Backyard Brahmas!!

<plop> So I need to tell you a story....a funny story......I think. After I left this thread my sweet hubby Ken said to me, "Well, you could check a few of the hatcheries and see if they have any left...the weather is nice enough now." (Last year's chicks arrived a day late and in 19 below zero weather) So I hemmed and hawed and finally went to MPC where I've shopped before. They just happened to show "limited availability" on Buff Brahmas. A click on that revealed that they had like 9 left, if I read what that number meant correctly. Boy, I turned into the Happy Clicker! I'd noticed the availability date shown was April 27 or some such. Okay, I can live with that - the Littles I have now have been living in the coop since day one and doing fine, so they should be able to be fully integrated with the rest of flock by then. I mean, right now the only thing that's been between The Bigs and The Littles since their first week here was a wire pen, and they are out among the flock all day long most days. So I proceed to the next step.

PRESTO...up pops a message that says there is an earlier available ship date....April 6th. Um, April 6th? As in tomorrow April 6th? Woohoo.....I'm doing my happy happy joy joy dance all over the kitchen. I ordered every single one they had, which, as it turns out, was actually only 8. I click "proceed". I enter all the information they ask for, then hit the chicken check out line. The only shipping method available is, of course, express mail. That turned out to be about 2 bucks more than I paid for the chicks, which included ordering all girls and having the Mareks Vaccine done. Chicks - $44.00 Shipping 46.93. I stopped dancing.

Ken said, "Aren't there other hatcheries?" Well, yeah, but I'm sure shipping is about the same, but he convinced me to look anyway. I closed the MPC order without completing it, then wandered around to see what I could find. No good. Went back to MPC, clicked on Buff Brahmas and it said, "Sold out." What???? I was just sick, but that shipping was pretty steep. I just looked up at him and said, "Well, in that short amount of time they sold out." On a whim I clicked on my shopping cart and there they were, still waiting to be adopted!! I was the one who made the SOLD OUT thingy pop up because I had them all hidden in my shopping cart. So, crazy or not, I paid that ridiculous shipping fee and I don't much care who knows it, so there!!

Now, if these little boogers get here and I have more fuzz on my legs than they do I'm going to be one unhappy lady!
many hatcheries don't charge for shipping, I believe mcmurray is one of them.
<plop> So I need to tell you a story....a funny story......I think. After I left this thread my sweet hubby Ken said to me, "Well, you could check a few of the hatcheries and see if they have any left...the weather is nice enough now." (Last year's chicks arrived a day late and in 19 below zero weather) So I hemmed and hawed and finally went to MPC where I've shopped before. They just happened to show "limited availability" on Buff Brahmas. A click on that revealed that they had like 9 left, if I read what that number meant correctly. Boy, I turned into the Happy Clicker! I'd noticed the availability date shown was April 27 or some such. Okay, I can live with that - the Littles I have now have been living in the coop since day one and doing fine, so they should be able to be fully integrated with the rest of flock by then. I mean, right now the only thing that's been between The Bigs and The Littles since their first week here was a wire pen, and they are out among the flock all day long most days. So I proceed to the next step.

PRESTO...up pops a message that says there is an earlier available ship date....April 6th. Um, April 6th? As in tomorrow April 6th? Woohoo.....I'm doing my happy happy joy joy dance all over the kitchen. I ordered every single one they had, which, as it turns out, was actually only 8. I click "proceed". I enter all the information they ask for, then hit the chicken check out line. The only shipping method available is, of course, express mail. That turned out to be about 2 bucks more than I paid for the chicks, which included ordering all girls and having the Mareks Vaccine done. Chicks - $44.00 Shipping 46.93. I stopped dancing.

Ken said, "Aren't there other hatcheries?" Well, yeah, but I'm sure shipping is about the same, but he convinced me to look anyway. I closed the MPC order without completing it, then wandered around to see what I could find. No good. Went back to MPC, clicked on Buff Brahmas and it said, "Sold out." What???? I was just sick, but that shipping was pretty steep. I just looked up at him and said, "Well, in that short amount of time they sold out." On a whim I clicked on my shopping cart and there they were, still waiting to be adopted!! I was the one who made the SOLD OUT thingy pop up because I had them all hidden in my shopping cart. So, crazy or not, I paid that ridiculous shipping fee and I don't much care who knows it, so there!!

Now, if these little boogers get here and I have more fuzz on my legs than they do I'm going to be one unhappy lady!
So this is a cute share and also a " is it too early to make a roo guess" post. They are just over 5 weeks old they are within a couple days hatch of each other and the smaller one feathered out faster by over a week from the larger one.


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