Backyard Brahmas!!

Hm, wait till tomorrow and get a pic in the sunshine, (but not so bright it washes it out) that blurry pic looks like it may have the 3 rows but tough to tell.

I can't seem to get a shot straight on with this bird. None of them want to be held right now. They are in that teenage phase of being super independent. I don't like having to chase them down, either! Sheesh.
Oh Ibarbidahl.....sorry to always be the one that tells you bad things.....that looks like 3 rows to me, a step on the rooster side.
Yup. That's why I was so concerned. I've seen it go both ways, so as long as it stays flat and peachy I'm still counting it as a pullet. If it's a roo I may have 3/4 birds be roos that were supposed to be all pullets... EEK!
ugh, that is a bad draw.
I had one out of 6 last year and most likely 1 out of 4 this year.....not fair.....except that so far I love this one too much to be too resentful. He is such a crack up.
I have a few brahma chicks that I'm growing out. I'm hoping to get a small breeding group out of the 17 chicks I have. I know you should grow them to maturity before you try to evaluate their qualities. I plan to grow them out but there is one that I am thinking I will for sure not keep. The reason is because it is very small. Also it's a splash blue partridge. Does anyone have any experience with breeding brahmas that can chime in and tell me if it is ever worth keeping a small or slow to grow chick for breeding purposes. I think it's a pullet. I have some pics of it next to a cockerel hatched the same day. I will try to get more pics next to some of the other Pullets later today.


Originally Posted by cutipatooti

tell me if it is ever worth keeping a small or slow to grow chick for breeding purposes.

If you only have 17 to chose from you may want to keep her if she has some good quality you need...proper comb, great tail, etc. You could use her to correct that problem in your flock. I guess it all depends on whether or not you're willing to work with her faults.
well I am thoroughly in love with my brahma's while they werent the cuddilest chicks they have turned into sweet handlable chicks so far........right there to get some cuddles nd pets soon as I show up...........and lookis like because my groundis so heavily sand isnt an issue with wet and feathered feet so far....... very happy with them

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