Backyard Brahmas!!

Anyway, here are some pics I took this afternoon. They were 15 weeks old on Thursday.
#1 : this is the same one I pointed out in the previous pictures. Her face is a little more red because she's worked up from me holding her.

#2: this is the one with the weird looking comb that I originally thought was a cockerel and now I'm not sure.

The pics don't really do the comb justice. In person it looks more like my poorly bread Wyandottes straight comb. And sorry for the picture overload.
I also think they look like pullets. I am not as experienced with Brahma's as others here of course. But I do think they look like females.
I agree they look pullet-ish. I have been wrong a number of times now trying to sex brahma chicks based on wing feathers, or juveniles based on other features. I always wait until the pointed tail saddle feathers develop to feel certain. I can post a pick of two juvenile brahma roosters if you want to see?
I agree they look pullet-ish. I have been wrong a number of times now trying to sex brahma chicks based on wing feathers, or juveniles based on other features. I always wait until the pointed tail saddle feathers develop to feel certain. I can post a pick of two juvenile brahma roosters if you want to see?

Yes thank you! I would love to see the pics if you don't mind.
Just sharing pics of my 41/2 month old pair. The cockerel started crowing this morning, I thought I was in trouble because he just walked around for 5 minutes crowing continuously but it was 6 am so I stuck him in the garage in a dog crate till a reasonable hour. When I took him out at 9 he never made another crow. We will see how it goes tomorrow. She is starting to pink up just a tad, I have a feeling I have a couple months to go before she is pol.

Thanks, me too!! They are pretty birds. We are going to try just leaving the coop closed up till 9 each morning and see how it goes. If he just need to crow a bit and get it out of his system in the morning, that is acceptable.

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