Backyard Brahmas!!

She is... but only for the reason that we decided to start our flock choosing a mixed assortment of friendly, docile, winter-hardy, egg laying breeds.  So we chose to get one of each breed on our short list and then by popular demand of my 3 little daughters, got 2 more Easter Eggers.  I bet you are going to love yours!  Are you getting Lights, Darks, or Buffs?

That's such a good idea to get all different kinds. I went with light brahmas because of the hot humid weather down here in south east louisiana. I've noticed that my darker birds always had a bit more difficult time staying cool. I got a few other breeds as well, mostly buff orps for my little girl, going to try some marans as well, and getting some andalusians and easter eggers because those are some of my favorites. I love the variety they bring :)
That's such a good idea to get all different kinds. I went with light brahmas because of the hot humid weather down here in south east louisiana. I've noticed that my darker birds always had a bit more difficult time staying cool. I got a few other breeds as well, mostly buff orps for my little girl, going to try some marans as well, and getting some andalusians and easter eggers because those are some of my favorites. I love the variety they bring

You know, my Delawares heat up faster than almost every bird I own, first to pant, even the ones who are only part Del. And you know, they're a white bird. The reason? My theory is that they are very densely muscled, in addition to being tightly feathered. They were created basically as a meat bird originally so hence, the muscle density. They are heftier than they appear.

I have black hens and my huge blue Orp hen who don't even pant until it's really WAY up there in temp/humidity. I have a small splash Ameraucana who pants a lot but I believe the reason is that her underfluff is SUPER thick, like wool on a sheep almost. There are a few factors that go into heat tolerance other than color, for sure! My Orps never had issue with heat. My friend one terrible summer afternoon lost 14 birds in a two hour span to extreme heat/humidity in KY. (114* heat index). The survivors? The largest birds she owned, a black Orp and blue Orps. The Delawares died, the hatchery birds died except one little red Cochin.

My Brahmas never had issue with heat or cold. I think one reason is their loose feathering. It insulates in winter, but doesn't overheat in summer. So far, I've had only Lt. and Buff, but I have darks and partridge/blue partridge in the bator so will have to comment on that later in the summer for them.
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My new Brahma. I had no idea what I had picked up from the feed store until I posted a picture. This is my first brahma and I can't wait to see what "she" turns into. Any brahma mama's have any ideas what a grown up might look like?

Someone had suggested "she" might be a cockerel, but "she" has feathered out pretty quickly. Who knows??
She is my first broody but I can't hatch anything but she the best broody. She sits on her nest and stays. I wish one day I can let her have some bantam Bramha eggs

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