Bad gasping episodes. Non-prescription fungal meds?

He's still improving, just maybe not as fast as I would like, but his episodes arent as severe and he doesn't need much help now. Although I'm still scared to leave for long periods.

To control it now, i try to just slightly elevate his chest or hold his head and talk sweetly to him to calm him down, that often sends him to sleep. Sometimes a more drastic approach is needed like picking him up etc but it's definitely much better.

He started sneezing a fair amount a few days ago when he hadn't been before. I take that as a good sign though since he's improving. Like that it's coming out instead of staying trapped inside. Kind of like people with chest infections are told to not suppress their coughs I believe.

The main issue right now is that he still cant make his alarmed/displeased hiss, so he'll hear a weird noise or something and hiss and that'll usually immediately cause him to start gasping. He can make his happy/excited hiss all day long and it doesn't affect him, it's just that other vocalization. I noticed that during previous times he's gotten sick too. It's strange.
oops caps
My runner duck is also slowly sounding better, Im still nebbing her with colloidal silver am and pm
That's good to hear she's getting better! How much colloidal silver do you put in the nebulizer? I'd like to use it in a nebulizer, I've only used the silver orally so far.
I put in about 6 ml it takes around 20 minutes to use up that much

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