Bald butt and swollen below vent.

Hi actually there IS something you can do! Get a desorelin hormone implant put in your hen,very simple procedure,vet will put it under the skin like a microchip for a dog,total cost is 170 dollars and it should last 6 months ,but get my hen done sooner at 5 months just to be safe. This implant will stop the hen from ovulating and producing anymore eggs,thus saving her life and giving her a second chance!,also she dosent have to go through the pain and misery that is a result of internal laying as many people try to help there hen at home buy draining there abdomens and giving antibiotics,which is very painfull to the hens and honestly a cruel thing to do. It much better to get the proper procedure done as this is the only way to keep a hen alive after finding out she has become an internal layer. My girl was diagnosed 2 years ago and is living a excellent happy life as a result of the implant,ask your vet
Our 3 week old Sussex chick has a swollen tummy, not quite like some of the others but definitely swollen. Could it be a development problem, or water belly? Can water belly show up at this young an age? (Also a suspected male) It doesn’t seem to hurt him, just maybe makes it annoying to perch. I hope these different conditions get figured out, I’m a little glad to know there’s more people wondering about this, not glad that the chickens have it though.
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This might apply or not apply to this thread. *I apologize in advance.

Several hours ago, my DH found matty (our polish) breathing heavy by the side of the house and brought her in. Her vent was swollen like a balloon. She started to relax in the house (we have the fireplace on) and breathe normal, but still acted constipated. I then made her some scrambled eggs and yogurt (which she pecked at), giving her h20 intermittently. Two hours later...we got an egg. (First pic.)

I still don't know what was wrong, but I am happy to report she is up and moving. (Second pick.) DH even reports via his night routine that she is now snuggled up to our Guinea Pineapple.

If someone is in the same situation as me, I thought this might help.

eggs and yogurt.jpg

So I'm new and have been following this thread. I don't want to upset anyone by mentioning this but would anyone having a chicken with this condition be willing to cull and do an autopsy and report the findings? I would understand if not, obviously! I just also would like to know what this mystery illness is in case one of my girls gets this condition.
I appreciate your post was some years ago but as I have been searching through from the most recent to here and not feeling I really have an answer, maybe others will do the same thing. I have been raising and keeping chickens for around 15 years and have never seen anything like this before. My hen, who I believe to be quite young (I have around 70) is almost completely bald and had this very red, swollen underside. As most of my stock are moulting I wasn't too concerned to start with but as she lost more feathers I noticed the red swelling. I can't say for sure how long it has been like this or whether it has gradually got worse. I have separated her from the rest of the stock and been monitoring her for a couple of days. She isn't very active and I've decided to put her out of her misery if she is still alive tomorrow. I will conduct an autopsy and report on my findings
Hello! My barred rock is having the same issue. We noticed her butt was looking a bit sparse in feathers and now the swelling seems to be getting worse. Were any of you able to find out what the issue was? How did you resolve it? Thank you!
Oh no. I thought this might be a Jersey Giant thing, but I guess not. I had one get so red and swollen she got peritonitis and had to be put down (I didn't do an autopsy, which I regret, but she smelled worse than I can even describe from the infection). Now a second Jersey Giant has a bald butt (not red yet). Both also were nesting low and had poop on their feathers. I don't see any mites, but may try the diatomacious earth.
Good to know others are having this issue. 3YO Austrolorp waddling with swollen bottom and eating and drinking. no egg I can feel, lubed up and put away to rest. But she does occasionally breathe heavily. Hasn't layed in 2 days. Lost one 7 months ago to same problem. Would love to know what to do to keep from happening again.
My Buff Orpington is having same issue-Did you ever figure out what this was? Thank You
One of ours has this issue as well and has been living with it for over 8 months. We have had to keep her away from the others who once pecked it open. She still poops and lays eggs just fine. What can it be?
I have the same breed and she lays every day, acts totally normal and is the top of the pecking order of my eight. Do you think there’s anything I can do for her or just let it be? Thanks to everyone who contributed to this amazing group
I am new to this group and this is my first post. Tonight as I locked my chicken coop I noticed one of my chickens had a very swollen, bald butt. The vent is not blocked from the outside, but the area below is soft and swollen to the size of a tennis ball. Most of the feathers below her vent are gone. She was active today and eating okay. I got an egg from her yesterday. She does not squawk when I touch the area, which is soft and ply-able, but I am not sure how she would react if it did hurt, so that does not tell me much.
She was a little dirty around the butt.( it is the rainy season here in California) and I put her bottom in warm water to clean her off. She is in the house tonight and acting a bit agitated at the new surroundings, but other wise no distress. Anyone have a suggestion as to why her belly is so swollen and what I should do about it?

Doris from Oakland Ca.
Hi I have a chicken with a similar problem. Large tennis ball size swelling below vent. Bald. I took her to the vet who xrayed and biopsied the swelling. Not cancerous but a hernia. Gave her an insert to stop her laying as her eggs had been without shell last couple of weeks. Not laying should reduce hernia size hopefully

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