Balut production


10 Years
Jan 12, 2010
chesapeake Va.
does anyone have any thoughts on what breed of duck is best for balut? I have several restaurants and a coupla groceries wanting some. TIA
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I remember reading somewhere that the mallard was preferred, but I just looked again and can't find anything more specific than duck eggs
The oriental buyers that we supply quail eggs to want the eggs that are very large, porcelain white, cheap on on a reliable baisis.

Commercial Pekins are the only ones that fit all these requirements. To bad Runners lay a green shelled egg.
It's an incubated duck egg, for about 3 weeks if I remember right then they are hard boiled and eaten. And yes there is a semi formed duckling inside. They aren't that bad actually once you get over what you are eating.
The street sellers in the Philippines would call out Baaaaaaaaaaluuuuuuuuutt and you could hear it a long ways off.

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Sorry, that just sounds like eating a fetal pig. not to my taste, besides, if you waited another week, the duckling would hatch and after another few months, you could eat the duck, and probably feed 3 or 4 people, instead of having a snack.
I'm the same way Steve.
Balut is one of those things I just couldn't make myself like though. I've tryed it several times over the years, it never gets better.
There was a Russian dish also that had fermented cabbage and fish, can't remember what it was called, much worse than Balut!

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