Bantam Ameraucana Thread!

Fowlseeded, The so called Ameraucana bantams from hatcheries ARE, in fact, Easter Egger bantams. They are in a rainbow of colors and no standard set for them.

For true Ameraucana bantams, get them from the bantam breeders from ABC. They are more consisent in type, color and go by the APA standard as well as the ABC guidelines.

How do Bantam Ameraucana's compare in size to D'Uccles? I have a 12 in. tall cockerel, just barely bantam, so I wouldn't want to put anything too tiny in with him.
Can anyone tell me if how big a Bantam Ameraucana is? I can look up the weight of one but it's hard to get a picture. THanks

The D'Anvers are a bit smaller than the Ameraucana bantams. I never had D'Uccles so I would imagine they are similar to the size of the D'Anvers.
lavender Americaunas are not yet a recognized color, correct? Also, could someone please specify how to correctly spell Americauna? thanks
In the APA SOP it is spelled Ameraucana and is in the Any Other Standard Breed.

Our "project" colors like Lavender and by-product colors like Splash (result of blue to blue breeding - blues being an approved color) are not approved colors so are often considered EEs.

When you see birds or eggs offered as "Americana" it is pretty much assumed to be mixed background of varying percentage of Ameraucana or Araucana to add the blue-egg factor.

I know I am a 'newby' but this is what I have been taught. k/
I think the breeders club spells it Americauna.

There is NO "I" in Ameraucana.
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Hi all! I just discovered this thread as I was nosing around! Glad to find you because I am the proud parent of 8 little bitties!!! I hatched my first clutch in the incubator. They are the cutest little things! I have another clutch that just went to lock down this morning. The first batch have 3 blacks, 4 blues, and an adorable little splash. The second batch should be all black.

I look forward to chatting with you all soon!
I'm glad to have found this thread! So, I have a few questions. How well do bantam Ameraucanas lay? What are their personalities? How well would a pretty good one be expected to do at shows compared to other breeds? I'm searching for a new bantam breed and like the idea of tinted eggs and the looks of bantam Ameraucanas.

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