Bantam Duck Page

Ok thanks but the people we brought them of said they where bantam cayugas I have done some research on them and they have the exact same characteristics as the cayuga but mine are smaller also when we brought them the lady said that they where not a very common duck.
Since I can't seem to find any good info on BYC, I will ask you wonderful bantam duck people. Should bantam ducks just live with bantam ducks, or can they live with large breed ducks (WH, Saxonies, etc) safely?
Im thinking it would be ok until breeding season.. Once breeding season arrrives, I personaly would seperate the bigger from the smaller.. JUST IN CASE.. I have no experience in any duck besides call ducks, but from my limited experience, call ducks are serial rapists in disquise..I am constantly out there breaking up fights, pulling 2 oir more drakes off of one duck.. Its a full time job keeping the peace...Id hate for a large drake to hurt a smaller bantam sized duck trying to get a piece of tail...

Just my 2 cents.. Good Luck..
What does LF stand for? I assume it means "regular sized duck" but I can't figure out what the actual term could be?

We have a mixed flock, BUT the fullsize ducks are both female and the bantam is a boy.
We also have one of each gender that were supposed to be bantam, but a cayuga/swede drake apparently ran with the flock, too, so they're a little bigger. Still smaller than the welsh harlequins (or Pekins) that I'm familiar with.

With our particular flock mix, I figured we'd be fine, and after a year, I still don't think there are any real safety concerns. But even so, the Pekin was being seriously plucked by the half-bantam drake because the size difference is enough that if she's not interested, she can keep him from successfully mating with her. And never satisfied, he just keeps trying. We took in a second Pekin who happily DOES enjoy the process, so now everyone is much happier.
Well, everyone except our bantam boy who STILL isn't allowed to go near any of the ladies. Sure hope the two new ones are girls! (I tried to vent sex them before choosing which ones to keep, but I really don't know what I'm doing!)
thank you for the info everyone, pretty much confirmed what i figured so I will stick with my big ducks for now until i have a place for bantams.

I use LF to mean large fowl (sorry, picked it up on the chicken forums, was not sure if it crossed over to ducks.)
I found your old post while desperately searching for a source of Pastel Mallards. Any chance you can assist me? I'm trying to avoid crossing Mallard to Call to get the genetics; a multi-year project :) They would have to be shipped to California- eggs, ducklings or adults. Also, cool pics of Overbergs, which I'd never seen or heard of before.
Jay aka "Leghorn Man"
There is no such things as pastel mallards, or even pastel colored Large breed ducks. The closest thing to that would be a Saxony duck. There are already White Mallards, regular Mallards, Snowy Mallards and Silver Mallards. Why do you want to make a new color of Mallards?
Since I can't seem to find any good info on BYC, I will ask you wonderful bantam duck people. Should bantam ducks just live with bantam ducks, or can they live with large breed ducks (WH, Saxonies, etc) safely?

I have a Mallard with Welsh Harlequins. None of them are really old enough to breed yet, so I couldn't tell you if that part is okay or not, but all of our ducks get along very well. I'd have to get back to you on breeding in a few weeks, when I'm assuming they'll really start going at it.

I'm curious: What puts a duck in the bantam category? I'm assuming it's got to do with size?

Anyway, here are some pictures of my Mallard!


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