Bantam eggs over due by one day should i be worried?


In the Brooder
Jun 3, 2015
I did both water candling and about a week ago did light candling(Both tests showed signs of life) . My hen is sitting and incubating them. (We are not using an incubator) The first egg was due to hatch yesterday yet we have no piping no cracks in the eggs. We have been told we would hear peeping near the due date. How many more days should I let her sit on them? She is my favorite hen and I am extremely attached to her so I don't want to harm her in anyway.
Let your hen set for as long as she will. Hopefully she will hatch babies. If not, she will give up on them when she is ready. At day 25 you can remove the eggs if she is still setting.
I don't water candle eggs unless they are too dark to use a light. No need to remove the natural bloom from the shell. That helps protect the chick that is developing inside.
My bantam broodies are very determined girls.

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