Bantam Only Crazy Egg Chain

Yes 6+ serama eggs still available.

Okay, I haven't participated in this swap before so hopefully I'm doing this right.

Mine on the Seramas

6+ Sebrights. I can do all goldens or I can include a couple silver if you want.
6+ colorful mixed bantams
2+ mixed colors Silkies and 4+ your choice of Sebrights or colorful mixes.

Pictures are on my swap page.
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SWAP and participate in an EXPERIMENT! (read it in full)

FIRST THE SWAP; what i have to offer---Duccles in many colours including what appears to be splashes!! i am combining colours and traits, trying to improve what i have. some get minimal foot and beards so far (but will the adults look the same?) and others have huge muffy cheeks and heavily feathered feet! I am also in second generation 'selective' breeding for Marek's resistance, i am not testing for the haplotype (if anyone knows how to do this let me know) but I vaccinate and only breed those that survive and have shown no symptoms. (Of note, though, I never had this issue in Colorado, so it may be the local Texas strain I am selecting against.)

I would be interested in silkies, sizzles, showgirls-or-- d'uccles that are low on white pattern expression, more black, darker mahogany or crisp lines--or TX lines of 3 generations or more. I would be interested in swapping some LF too ( I currently have UK orpingtons, candy corn polish, mille fleur leghorns, speckled sussex, cochin).

this would be for 12+ (like 15-18), I may have to supplement some silkie/showgirl eggs to make up the numbers to help statistically. they will be older than 3 days-and so will yours!-->>on to the experiment part!


here is a summary reference

what I want to test is if this treatment works on SHIPPED eggs. Yes the hatcheries ship-but they do it in trucks by handlers who are careful and temp controlled, I want to know if it will really work for mailed eggs. I have had everything from 0-100% development on shipped eggs. By us swapping eggs we will double the data points. this will need to be tested on about 400 eggs (200 in each treatment group for 95% confidence level) to be statistically significant.

this will be a double blind experiment-i will know my codes and you will know yours but we wont tell each other what they are, we just swap code and development data, and at the end reveal the codes. eggs can be incubated under hens or in incubators. I have a sportsman 1502 and occasionally broody hens, i will probably rely on the incubator.

Here is the experiment outline

---1/2 the eggs (marked with pencil with what ever code you like-but try not a/b or 1/2 or x/o as those are suggestive) will not be treated-these are the controls. if need be, due to production constraints, these can be collected later-just make sure they ship WITH the experimental eggs
--1/2 the eggs (the other half) will also be marked (different than the other group) will undergo a preheating period.
--these will be heated to between 91 and 100 degrees for a period of 10 hours.
--they are immediately removed from heat and cooled to ambient or below temps (i would like 66 or around that but I cant achieve that in my place). cooling will be facilitated by storing the eggs not close to each other, if you can place them before a fan or NEAR an air conditioner vent-this would be most helpful. what you want is for them to cool off quickly to halt development.

--EGGS must be cooled before packaged/shipped! remember liquids retain heat!!! (and thus warm ones would warm the untreated ones)
--packing them place them in the box in a random arrangement.(dont put all of one group in the center and place the others outside them -packaging heats unevenly and we are coming up to the warmer shipping season)

when you get your exchange eggs, place them under your hen/in incubator also in random pattern--this is important especially if you have a tabletop with cool/warm spots.
>>treat your eggs same as you would any other shipped eggs.

**data will be needed to be kept;
how many eggs arrived in hatchable shape? (i incubate even cracked ones by using liquid skin)
when did you ship/receive (tracking numbers are very helpful)
when did you put them in the incubator?
how many developed? (clears? blood rings? late deaths? pip deaths? live births? early~3 day, deaths?) AND which mark they have!!!!!!

other helpful data will be -breed, egg condition upon arrival (candle to look for aircell damage, and how much), shell quality (porous/spotty shells naturally have lower viability), did the chick need help hatching? or any other thing you want to note.

WHY do this????
when i get enough data to be SIGNIFICANT, I will post it here and we will all benefit!! everyone wants more from their mailed eggs --both seller and buyer. by making a real experiment out of this (and not just someone saying 'i tried it it wirks!') it will test the validity and applicability to hobbyists.

ps. i will post photos of my stock here in an edit later--i need to get to work right now

pics--first a rooster i bred last year

now some of the black and blue and mottle chicks hatching this year

now for the 'splash' babies

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Kinmera was suppose to send me eggs on 1\20 and I never got them or heard from her either. I'm afraid something has happened

I have spoken with emvickery but I wanted to apologize here as well

My computer died and I had a financial emergency that prevented me from having any internet access at all for several months. It has all been resolved and I am able to be online again.
For some reason I can't send pics!! My phone or this site won't let me upload but they are a very beautiful pair!! Looks just like a law grey but bantam and hen is blonde all over with a few brown spots!! She's pea comb and he's straight comb
I have grey bantams n she's laying eggs like crazy. Looking for some unique bantams? Anyone have any?
Please check the rules for how a swap works

You need to claim the current offer then post what you have to offer.

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