Banty chicken personality change


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Victoria, BC Canada
I was wondering if this is normal. I got a barred rock pullet at 3 months from a chicken swap, it was in Sept and very cold and wet outside so I didn't put her out with my bantys right away and I kept her in the house for a few weeks, then had her in a cage inside the coop/run and brought her inside the house at night, then eventually she blended into the rest of the flock but I still bring her into the house at night. In the beginning she would be very involved in feeding time with my dogs and cats and she also got a little bit of cat food, begged from me for pasta at dinner sat on the couch, flew to the top of the fridge and fought with me when I finally would put her to bed. Now when she comes in she barely waits in the kitchen before she puts herself into her cage and scratches around for a bit then puts herself to bed. At first I thought she was sick but she still peeps, eats well, poos look fine but just doesn't want to be social anymore. She has laid 1 egg in the house (but I don't know about when she is out all day). Is she just growing up? Do you think she would prefer to stay out with the rest ? I guess she is about 7 months now. I was having a lot of fun having an indoor chicken but she has become antisocial now.
I've had similar experiences with some of my birds. I had a brown leghorn who was an absolute sweety and would always be by my side, but eventually we ended up further and further apart and she became reclusive and didn't want to see me anymore like she used to. I believe mine may have become reclusive because of being put with other birds instead of constantly with me and she didn't adjust well to the pecking order because she was very small and pretty frail. Does yours enjoy being with her flock? She could possibly be feeling a bit down for being separated from you or if the other birds are picking on her at all.
It sounds like she's no longer a member of your "flock'. Is there any reason you aren't letting her sleep with the other chickens?

It sounds like she's been accepted by your other birds, I think its time to let her be with them
Thank you both for your replies, after a few days she returned to being a very social house chicken, she is even more social and very comfortable in the house and checks everything out. There is not really any reason for not leaving her out with the others other than me just enjoying having her inside in the evenings. I think she has the best of both worlds, I wouldn't want her to not have time to be a regular chicken, and being a barred rock she is quite assertive and in charge where ever she is. Thanks again

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