Barnevelder breeders lets work together and improve the breed

Trying to sort out if I have a couple Barnevelders mixed in with my Bielefelders. Does anyone recognize these chickens? TIA!



Trying to sort out if I have a couple Barnevelders mixed in with my Bielefelders. Does anyone recognize these chickens? TIA!

The bottom photo looks like it may be a Bielefelder, but the other chicks don't look like Barnevelders or Bielefelders. If all the chicks pictured came from the same hatch, I would doubt the purity of any of them.

I agree; the bottom pic strongly appears to be a Bielefelder roo; the others don't grab me either way. It's tough to try to figure out what mix a particular chicken (especially chicks) might be, so unless you're certain what the breeder had in a given pen, you're kinda up that proverbial creek.

I'm getting started trying to establish my own line of black double-laced Barnevelders continuing with Johan's line from a closed flock. Kinda hard to find, though, especially avoiding dilution. If any of you know of a breeder with closed flocks who can ship chix or eggs, I'd appreciate a heads-up
. I'll probably start a new thread in the next day or two looking for them.

Would love to improve this breed. The Barnevelder was my first choice for a breed to raise but they are hard to find.
Got some hatching eggs on eBay and hatched out 3 chicks the first hatch, bought more and got 1 the second hatch.

Here are the eggs I bought and the chicks that resulted.

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