Barred Rock & Buff Orpington

I have both, both from breeder stock and hatcheries. They are great breeds. If you get "ameraucana" from a feedstore, just know that they are not true ameraucana, but Easter Eggers, a mixed breed so that knowing temperament is not easy. Some are wonderful and some are flighty. I have both EEs and Ameraucanas, all really sweet except one, who is somewhat skittish.
Their 'free range' area has loads of oak trees, so I'm wondering if they will "TRY" to roost up there and if they do, they might easily get out of the fenced area...

How do you clip their wings and is it cruel in the way of taking away their ability to get away if need be???

Sort of torn on what to do there...
The feed store ordered the chicks from McMurray that considered getting them from a breeder or not???
THANK YOU everyone...keep the good vibes coming...I'm hoping to have two very special new family pets soon!!!
The feedstore only got 50 chicks in (4 breeds) and today there were already 5 (including myself) begging them to sell today...and I hear there is going to be a mad dash of folks rushing the door tomorrow only comfort is the other feed store is also getting the same breeds in on Friday...

This feedstore is getting them at McMurray & the other feedstore is getting them from Privet...any opinions on those hatcheries?
I have 3 BR hens that consistenly lay beautiful eggs.
I have a BR roo that is the best roo I have ever seen for taking care of his girls. He is a true gentleman, and protective.

I have 2 BOs that lay, and love them both.
I have 2 RIRs that lay and the youngest is the one that begs to be picked up and carried around.

I then have another BR and 5 BOs in a grow-off pen. They are about 5 weeks old.

BRs and Bos are great chickens. Gentle and docile.
The feedstore only got 50 chicks in (4 breeds) and today there were already 5 (including myself) begging them to sell today...and I hear there is going to be a mad dash of folks rushing the door tomorrow only comfort is the other feed store is also getting the same breeds in on Friday...

This feedstore is getting them at McMurray & the other feedstore is getting them from Privet...any opinions on those hatcheries?

McMurray is a good hatchery.

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