Barred Rock Chicks ?

Thank you @speckledhen. I bought them at a place called route 300 pets that sells primarily to local farmers. We thought we would have better odds with them. Their response was just that they know. Some they said based on two layers of feathers. I already have one growing a red comb. I'm afraid my entire flock is males based on threads and am now freaking out.
Thank you @speckledhen . I bought them at a place called route 300 pets that sells primarily to local farmers. We thought we would have better odds with them. Their response was just that they know. Some they said based on two layers of feathers. I already have one growing a red comb. I'm afraid my entire flock is males based on threads and am now freaking out.

Well, unless they breed specifically for feather sexing, they can't go by that at all. It doesn't work with just any chick. Seems like they have not bred for that trait, considering that the chick in question would be tagged a male here. And how do they not know how to sex a barred breed? That is much more reliable anyway, though nothing is 100% foolproof. Sexing is more of an art than science.
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This photo is a great one to show how to sex any barred variety, credit to this site:

Pullet head spots.

Cockerel head spots-note the faint frosting around the back of the head on #2 from the left, otherwise, you'd think pullet.

and of course, the leg fronts are different. Usually, dark wash on the fronts means pullets and little to none means cockerel.




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