Barred Rock Chicks ?

i have 25 more just like this one
I have heard of this. My son (former FFA Poltry judge) insists this works, and always checks out my chicks when I have any. Unfortunately I cannot recall his accuracy rate as last hatch was 2 years ago, sorry.
Last year we did that same thing with out Astrolorp chicks. We thought that all 4 were hens but one fooled us. It was a rooster, and extremely mean as soon as he turned 3 months old. Started picking on the girls, pulling out feathers and pushing them away from the feeder when he wanted to eat. I had to separate him from the rest, but when I went into the cage to give him some water he clamped down so hard on my arm he drew blood. Wouldn't let go. He eventually did once I poured the water on him. My husband took him away and never saw him again.....
Never had a chicken be so aggressive but I guess it happens. the rest of the girls are great. We have 4 new chicks, 2 Rhode Island and 2 Barred Rock. They all did basically the same - when we held them on their backs their legs went straight out and they stopped fidgeting. However, one was kinda funny - one leg was straight out and one was bent up like it was trying to touch her beak. Gymnast?
I am new to the chicken rasing world, but I've posted these photos on other topics and this little chic, is now 1 month old, and I am believing it's a roo. The first photo was when they all went outside for the first time, and the two other photos are from them a few days ago. I have 2 Barred rock, and again I believe this one is roo. From what I have been reading Feather's are lighter, and when I make noise going into the pen/coop. this little guy never runs for cover.

My roo I believe is the one in the front, from the two in the photo.

Here in this last photo one month old. I am going to be giving him to my friend as she has plenty of space and other roo's he can run with.
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we have 1 BR and she totally went broody -- hatched 5 chicks - of course this was after we incubated and hatched 10!!!
now we have two groups and Spec will not let ANY chick near hers -- very strange that most all of our chicks are BR (our rooster is a buff brahma) -- we got 1 pure Brahama... our freezer will be full in a few week...
we have 1 BR and she totally went broody -- hatched 5 chicks - of course this was after we incubated and hatched 10!!!
now we have two groups and Spec will not let ANY chick near hers -- very strange that most all of our chicks are BR (our rooster is a buff brahma) -- we got 1 pure Brahama... our freezer will be full in a few week...
If the hen incubated her own eggs, you have sex linked chicks. None of your chicks are barred Rocks, they're mixed breeds since the parents are different breeds. But, the ones that are barred, black with the white spot on the head, are males. Any with a solid dark head are females. That's going on all the chicks being the buff rooster over the barred hen. Since you say you have one pure Brahma, I'm guessing a Brahma hen got an egg in there somewhere....

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