barred rock hen


In the Brooder
May 27, 2015
Hello everyone, your help and opinions are appreciated and i thank you in advance.
I have a barred rock hen, only few month ago she was laying greenish eggs and just suddenly stopped, any ideas why, and if its old how can i tell. looks healthy and very active but hasnt laid an eggs in a while.
the hens is a plymouth rock, and i noticed the comb is very short and light pink, is that a sign of an old hen

please help.

thank you
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Hello and welcome to BYC! On the Barred Rock, I don't know where you are located, but in northern Utah, it is getting cold and the hens are taking exception to laying every day. As the days shorten, hens just lay less eggs. Cold weather as noted can come into play as well, and then there is the age of your hen. Birds lay about 20% fewer eggs, after each molt, so you could be dealing with this as well.

Post a general area of the country or world in which you reside, and the members here can better help you with getting to the bottom of this. Also the age of the bird if you know it. Best to you and your birds,

sorry. i am in canada by baffulo, my hen stopped way before the cold season.
i wonder if the person who sold me my chicken, sold me an old one, but she used to lay and just stopped, but she looks very active
Hello everyone, your help and opinions are appreciated and i thank you in advance.
I have a barred rock hen, only few month ago she was laying greenish eggs and just suddenly stopped, any ideas why, and if its old how can i tell. looks healthy and very active but hasnt laid an eggs in a while.
please help.
thank you

Has she always laid eggs with a green color or was it that she went from laying brown (the expected egg color of a BPR) and then there was a change to the color followed by stopping all together? Do you have a photo of this bird?
she is older than a year but i am scared maybe she is too old, but she seems very active, she has not laid in maybe 2 or 3 month
she is older than a year but i am scared maybe she is too old, but she seems very active, she has not laid in maybe 2 or 3 month
She might be molting or getting ready to molt.
Do you free range? She might be laying out in her range area
i believe it was greenish, then colour changed to dark brown, then completely stopped, i can take a pic of the bird in the morning and post it, thanks for your help
she is in the coop with another 3 chickens, its winter and they are in the coop but they got lots of room to run around

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