Barred Rock laying age

Young MacDonald

10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
St. Louis, MO

I know that the average age that hens start to lay is 20 -24 weeks, but I also know that some breeds lay at earlier, some later, some right in the middle, etc.

What has your experience been with Barred Rocks. Are they early layers?

My BR's first egg was laid today, at 18 weeks. Unfortunately it was eaten, probably by them all.
So bummed, I've waited MONTHS.
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I don't really think that the breed of chicken determines when they should start laying. Each bird is different. no matter what their breed is. Some start laying earlier than others and some later. The red combs and wattles and the squat are good signs when they are about to start laying.
I think my BR is going to be our first layer - she is the biggest one and seems to be developing her comb/wattles before the other hens... We'll be at 20 weeks around labor day.

That's a huge bummer, norcal
Where do you think she layed? Did or do you have golf balls or fake eggs in the nest boxes?
The egg was on the floor, in the corner behind the waterer - I'm guessing that's where she laid it, as it would have been hard to get it there w/o breaking it first.

Last night I put in one real golf ball, two plastic golf balls (hollow), and a large plastic Easter egg - I taped the 2 parts together.

They've all been pecking at the balls, hopefully they'll learn and get discouraged.

I watched them for an hour this morning through the window.....need to get a bar stool or something (a wireless cam would be better).
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to thank you and share the excitement of our day.
Last night I was on the computer trying to find out more information about when our gals will begin laying. So I was searching the different breeds we have, and learned from you all that it is not necessarily the breed which determines... We have 2 barred rocks, 2 buff orpingtons, 1 silver laced wyandotte, and 3 gold links - all 16 weeks old right now. Well, today during the ominous "tornado" weather we went to check on the girls to make sure they were okay and my 5 year old came screaming "Mama, an egg, an egg, our first egg!!!!" It was sitting on the ground right in the mud. We still do not know which one did it. If you ask me, I think it is one of the gold links. I wonder if the storm scared it out of her!

Anyway, thanks for the timely help and advice on here.
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