Barred rock roo ISA hen


Dec 8, 2016
Wondering if anyone on here has tried crossing A Barred rock rooster with ISA hens. One of my chickens turned out to be a rooster and thinking of making him more useful before he becomes a soup.... he sings at 3am

If he's a pure barred Rock, all his offspring will be barred, and mostly black. You'll get some red and white leakage from the hen's side, maybe a few calico looking birds. IIRC this hen had a similar background......

The pullets should be good layers. Not as stellar as the ISA mothers, but very good. The cockerels may be a bit light for the table, but they'll still make a meal.
Thanks for the help, I'll give it a try. Makes a pretty nice looking bird. My ISA's lay lots but burn out quick it seems. This might make a longer lasting but not quite as productive hen, I'd be happy with that. I understand that you sex them by colours. Any idea what colour the roo's would be so I could pull them early?
Nope, won't be sex linked for color with that cross.

Black sex links need a non-barred, non white rooster over a barred hen. In that case, males are barred (hatch with a white spot on the head) and females are not (solid dark heads).

With a barred rooster, all his offspring are barred, regardless of gender. So you'll have to wait for the other signs of male, like comb, leg thickness, etc.
thanks for the help. hopefully i get lucky and dont get too many roosters. i guess they probably wont really show any signs till their around 4 months or so... that'll be a bit of extra food.

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