Barred Rock vs. Marans

how about a mostly black head, with a white spot on the back? Is that common on BR? Going out now to check leg color......
Both the male and female may or may not have a yellow to white spot on the head. The same is for both breeds. Both the cockerel and pullet had a spot, my female had a bigger spot then the male. I personally find the spot marking on the head inaccurate. An all black head is possible and more likely female.
Ok got the pics :)

this is a full body

This is the bottom of the foot. Its interesting that when I took this, I almost didn't b/c it looked like it had some poop, and my chicks are totally on grass....

Would this be considered pink or yellow? I have no idea!

Close up of the feathering, note the black head, but not real feathers yet. Mostly black fuzz., but the new feathers just poking out at the base of the neck have a touch of white.

Ok so what do you think? Both of my girls seemed to have the same color legs, so even if one is smaller, I would wager they are the same.

Oh, and my BCM had MUCH darker legs overall, I would say almost black.
Looks like Barred Rocks to me..Marans would have feathered legs.

I forgot the feathered leg thing!

THanks so much-I was hoping I got lucky :)
Here are my marans legs, her name is Luna.

Her back taken today

I can't see your actual photos since you posted them on Facebook with my handheld device.
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I am having the same situation . We bought three BR all at a few days old and one is black and white but totally different feather patterns... actually most exquisite looking, but I think she is a he because of the comb he/she is growing. They are all almost 11 weeks old now and I'm worried that the one who might be a ROO will fertilize my hens and trying to find out when I will have to separate the male from the females. Good luck

Why do you need to seperate the Roo? It's not going to hurt the hens to have a Roo unless he is abnormally aggressive.

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