Barred Rocks!!

Few more pics almost 7 weeks
Reading through the thread, is XW poultry ranch the best place to order heritage barred rocks? I am looking for the ones with docile roosters, slow to mature, heavier birds for dual purpose. I am in San Diego county California. At this point I would like up to 12 or so as I am also hatching other breeds.Are there closer places or is this the best route to go? Anyone else in my area with heritage barred rocks?
That's sad. Where are you located?
I'm in the Akron Canton area but we ordered from my pet chicken out of Connecticut. We ordered a rooster and 3 hens then 2 days after we got them one was drinking and the others stepped on it and it drown at 4 days old. I was hoping it wasn't the rooster so I have been very anxious on weather or not our rooster was one of the 3 we have out of the 4. Anyways I guess if not we will get one in the spring

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