Barred Rocks!!

I'm on board with using colored zip ties too, and I know of several people who use dye to mark individual birds. It eventually grows out and has to be replaced, but at least you can identify your birds with a single glance. 

Eh, newbie nervous about zip ties, but that makes sense. I have plastic safety pin style stitch markers in my knitting kit, I might try that. I'd hate to accidentally zip the tie too tight and have to freak out in the injuries forum. I did happen to have a variety of colors of #20 bamboo and hemp thread. I tried putting little bracelets on them with a simple little slip knot, and at 3 weeks old most of them nibbled the bracelets off. I did however get day old Rhode Island Reds to tolerate the hemp bracelets. That's going to be my hippy cuddly flock, and the big girls are going to be my rowdy bunch. Maybe it's just the age...
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Eh, newbie nervous about zip ties, but that makes sense. I have plastic safety pin style stitch markers in my knitting kit, I might try that. I'd hate to accidentally zip the tie too tight and have to freak out in the injuries forum. I did happen to have a variety of colors of #20 bamboo and hemp thread. I tried putting little bracelets on them with a simple little slip knot, and at 3 weeks old most of them nibbled the bracelets off. I did however get day old Rhode Island Reds to tolerate the hemp bracelets. That's going to be my hippy cuddly flock, and the big girls are going to be my rowdy bunch. Maybe it's just the age...

How do you feel about colored rubber bands? You can buy them in different sizes pretty affordably on eBay:

Or, I've heard that some people buy the colored ponytail ties from the store and use those.
How old is it? And do you have more than this one to compare it to? The cockerels not only have more rapid comb/wattle development that turns red sooner, but their early fluff is lighter in color than the pullets'. Feather development is also slower in the cockerels, with the tail feather being especially slow to develop by comparison. 

Here is the most updated photo I have... Almost 5 weeks and I'm for sure this sucker is a rooster!! Agree?
Here is the most updated photo I have... Almost 5 weeks and I'm for sure this sucker is a rooster!! Agree?

Hmm.....It's still hard to tell. At 5 weeks my girls looked a lot like this. The comb still looks more golden than red and the wattles are smallish and the feathering looks pretty thorough...all suggesting a pullet. The comb size is really the only thing, in my opinion, that suggest cockerel. My girls all had fairly large combs like this as 5 weeks, but my cockerel had longer wattles and far less feathering. I can only compare to my own flock.

I guess that's my wordy way of saying you'll know for certain in a few more weeks.
Not sure if this is the right area, but since I know so little about proper Barred Rock standards I was hoping to get a summary of the kind of things a newbie should look for. To make it simpler, there are photos of my cockrel Wellington at age, er, about six months, for commentary. To make it harder, everyone is going through a crazy moult! Hard to see in the photos, but his eyes are an intense orange. I don't honestly know what to look for in conformation for a good barred rock rooster - I was going to purchase the show guide that I found online...until I saw that it was $200!

I honestly don't mind if I get back 'He's terrible, never use this guy to breed barred rocks, you'll wreck the breed' - I'd prefer honesty. We also had a silver laced wyandotte rooster who was gorgeous, but he got very aggressive, so it was the kitchen for him.

I am fond of this one, but, well, he can as easily be a pet as a flock head.

TL/DR: Six month old cockerel, barred rocks - what should I be looking for, what's good, what's bad?
Not sure if this is the right area, but since I know so little about proper Barred Rock standards I was hoping to get a summary of the kind of things a newbie should look for. To make it simpler, there are photos of my cockrel Wellington at age, er, about six months, for commentary. To make it harder, everyone is going through a crazy moult! Hard to see in the photos, but his eyes are an intense orange. I don't honestly know what to look for in conformation for a good barred rock rooster - I was going to purchase the show guide that I found online...until I saw that it was $200!

I honestly don't mind if I get back 'He's terrible, never use this guy to breed barred rocks, you'll wreck the breed' - I'd prefer honesty. We also had a silver laced wyandotte rooster who was gorgeous, but he got very aggressive, so it was the kitchen for him.

I am fond of this one, but, well, he can as easily be a pet as a flock head.

TL/DR: Six month old cockerel, barred rocks - what should I be looking for, what's good, what's bad?
The SOP is not $200. The last edition was printed in 2010 and you can get it at APA for $ 59. 2010 Standard of Perfection
I'm rejoining the club! I lost my first BR, Lydia, to Marek's a few months ago. Today, I found this little lady in the feed store brooder all alone, so I scooped her up and brought her home to a brooder filled with brothers and sisters. She's super friendly!!!

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