Barred Rocks!!

I am in search for some Stukel Plymouth Barred Rocks, eggs, chicks, hens. I have a Stukel Rooster, and 7 hens that are also Stukel, but I would like to find d another group that's not directly related to mine. As my Rooster is about 4 years old, and all I have is his boys, and girls. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO BREED their BROTHERS TO THEM. I am willing to trade out eggs, or chicks if anyone is interested . I am scared my older roo is the going to be fertile to much longer ger due to age. I JUST PULLED HIS SPURS, AND HE IS ON LOCK DOWN UNTIL THEYOU HARDEN, NOT HAPPY.He lost his comb during a breeding stay over last year in Dec.

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Yellow spot? I'm not sure what you're referring too.

Here's the BR I had last year. See the yellow on her head? Someone told me all BRs are suppose to have them?

And I know feed stores don't carry Show quality, but would they carry mutt chickens? Or do you think my new chick is just extra low quality?

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