basic turkey questions


10 Years
Oct 6, 2009
the ozarks
Thinking about raising a few turkeys to process in the fall/winter. Do they eat the same food as chickens? How long do they take to get big enough to process? Anything else I should know?

I feed my turkeys 30% protein but you can feed them as low as 24% but I would suggest nothing lower than 26%. 30% protein may not be sold in your area. As far as how long before they will be ready to process, I have no idea. I have never processed any of mine. Sorry.

You may want to check out this thread. It has a lot of information about turkeys.
If you buy a Broad Breated Whites, they will be ready is about 20 weeks. They eat 28-30% protien turkey game bird starter for the first 6 to 8 weeks. Then a 20-22% grow/developer. The last few weeks I feed a finisher or just add some cracked corn.

It is way to late in the year for heritage turkeys to be ready for this year in my opinion.
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