Battery Hen Thread!

Thanks. But I couldn't find anything
Have you ever rescued battery hens before?
I found 10 eggs from the Leghorns
Not sure if I could eat them after it being their first day out but its up to you! If you decided not too then scramble them up and see what they think about scrambled egg!! Ruby has got her first snow today!
Not sure if I could eat them after it being their first day out but its up to you! If you decided not too then scramble them up and see what they think about scrambled egg!! Ruby has got her first snow today!
I don't eat eggs. I am a vegan, I just didn't think they would be laying for a week or 2 (or 3). I hard boiled some of the eggs they laid and fed them to my dogs. The dogs enjoyed it!
I have 12 ex battery hens and also 9 roos that were slated for the macerator (the idiot actually grabbed them off of the conveyor belt and said ,"here you animal rights vegan rot-for-brains" I was astounded how much all 21 of my rescues grew! And P.S I'm vegan and fighting other people to be so as well. I am normally peaceful, but the meat industry.... that's another story.
I have 12 ex battery hens and also 9 roos that were slated for the macerator (the idiot actually grabbed them off of the conveyor belt and said ,"here you animal rights vegan rot-for-brains" I was astounded how much all 21 of my rescues grew! And P.S I'm vegan and fighting other people to be so as well. I am normally peaceful, but the meat industry.... that's another story.
No offence or anything but I do not agree with people who try and force their beliefs on others I wouldn't go around forcing vegetarians to eat meat.
It sounds like some of you arent from America. The government has deemed peta and those nut balls terrorist for good reason. We should start rescing bean sprouts and. tofu from the extremists and see if they dont see us as crazy too. Life must go pn. Maybe we should start a battery ppant program too. hmmmmm.
No offence or anything but I do not agree with people who try and force their beliefs on others I wouldn't go around forcing vegetarians to eat meat.
Before we even get the chance to get too deep - this is probably not the best place to discuss all that, whether you agree with being vegan or not
Why not start a thread in the Misc section?


The brick wall between us and our crazy proselytizing neighbors (they slip all CAPS LOCK leaflets through our letterbox) blew down in last nights severe storm. And at the back of the property, the other neighbor's already sagging fence collapsed. Our own fence hasn't been built yet, or I'm sure it would have come down too! Got to get this place secure before the chickens arrive. First week of March is BUILD WEEK, yay.

I'm worried that the neighbors on both sides won't do any repairs, and their unsecured fences will bang into ours once it's finished and cause damage.

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