*Battle Of The Clans* A WARRIORS cat role play!

Ravenpaw nods and puts some dock on her shoulder then covers it in cobwebs "Her other scratches are small and will heal quickly but she should let the medicine cat look in to that shoulder as for shock, if she cant move we carry her"

I'm fine,thanks,ravenpaw,you'd make a good med.cat,you know,she said as she got up and limped of.
Ravenpaw nods and walks beside her leader


Coldpaw walks out of camp early in the morning to go hunting


Oceansplash walks out off the medicine den and grabs a fish from the pile


Cliffclaw walks into Mountainclan camp and sets a hawk in the fresh kill pile

Ravenpaw,I knew the cats that attacked me,thay were my litter mates.
Ravenpaw looks slightly surprised "Why did they attack you?" She asks curiously

Um,well,thay hate me,she said in a small voice,thay leafed the clan to become rogues,because thay hated me,she said,when thay attacked me thay said well what do we have here are old litter mate,she said,raven paw,I trest you more then any other cat in this clan,even river heart,I trest you with my life,will you promise me you'll keep this a secret?she meowed

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