BCM Roo Pair in Rockingham VA


7 Years
Feb 25, 2017
New Market, VA
Pair of cockerels just north of Harrisonburg, Virginia. At birth their feathers were pullet shaped but at 12 weeks they are definitely cockerels. Handraised and well cared for, French Black Copper Marans from good stock (feathered feet). Purchased from Egg Well Farm (NPIP certified), whose stock comes from Spring Leaf.

They have not been around other poultry and they don't free range because of predators in my area.

I can drive to you if you will give them a good home.

These two were raised together on organic feed from New Country Organics. They get along with each other and would make a great pair for a flock of 8-10 pullets or more, as this breed's roo's are supposed to be gentle. I'd prefer to keep them together, but willing to separate if I can find homes for both.

Jasmine is the smarter one. He's often the first and last one to bed, telling everyone else it's bed time and warning of predators.

Lily is more affectionate and adventurous. He's the first one to greet you at the door and loves being held or pet.

I've already been told that Jasmine's comb has too many points for SOP - other than this, they are lovely examples of this rare breed. Given their sweet personalities and they are some of my very first chicks, I would really hate to cull them.

Lily - Copy.jpg
Jasmine - Copy.jpg

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