beans, flies, and cooking disasters

Many years ago when my MIL was still alive we went to her house for dinner one night. She had made a big pot of vegetable beef soup...her vegetable beef soup is world class good!!! She had just had her house sprayed for in the South they can become a problem if you are not very careful and she had a contract with a local company who would come to her house and spray every 4 months. So we started filling bowls with soup to set the table and called everyone in to eat. My DH sits down and says, "what the hell is this"? I go over and look at his bowl and there is this large, dead roach floating in the top of his bowl. I have a very warped sense of humor and I busted out laughing, it took several minutes for me to collect myself well enough to dispose of that bowl and get a clean one. He, of course, accuses me of trying to poison him and it's hard to defend yourself when you can't quit laughing.

That was about 20 years ago and DH still (jokingly) accuses me of trying to feed him roaches.
Beautiful and cool morning, sun just starting to color the morning sky
I had just made myself a cup of hot tea, with a little sugar and creamer added for my taste to perfect goodness
Sat down to the table, with my cup of tea, and several of my candles burning in front of me (my quiet time) - I heard this low buzz
This buzz came from around my head and I saw this slow flying, large blue blowfly, fly straight into the middle of my hot cup of tea
A cup of perfect goodness went to the sink because of fly suicide - leaving me

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