beard icesicles!


15 Years
Jun 3, 2008
One of my EEs, Emma, keeps developing icicles on her beard. I think she must get it in the water when she drinks, and then the cold air freezes it and it just keeps building up. But I'm a little unsure what to do about it. Should I trim her beard, or would that hurt her? Plus then her neck with be cold. Of course, having sizable chunks of ice hanging from her neck is probably hurting too, which is why I'm concerned. I keep melting them off with warm water and then drying the feathers, but when I have to go to work I can't do that, and that's a little to up close and personal with the chickens for my mother.

So, is trimming her beard a good solution, or is there something else I should do?
Thanks, that's a good point. I guess I'm just used to fluffy birds. I just de-iced her again and several of her feathers came off with it, so I guess if the ice is pulling out her feathers, it's bad enough to trim. Silly bird, if she just wouldn't be such a messy drinker, she wouldn't have this problem. None of the others do
My Polish (same one who gave herself a crest-haircut) gets beardsicles.
I watched my little OEG bantie girl pickin em off of her today.

I have decided that Polish are just the goofiest birds there are!
aw, I saw that post, haha

Glad to hear mine's not the only goofy beardsicle girl out there. They are fun though, if they weren't goofy it wouldn't be nearly so interesting!

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