Beef jerky - what cut of beef to buy?


11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Dutch Flat, CA
Okay I want to try making some jerky but I would have to buy the meat. What cut of beef should I buy to make jerky? The recipe I have, I would marinate the meat over night but I have no idea what cut of beef would make good jerky?

Also any marinades you want to share that you like would be great too...

I use hamburger also. I like the texture much better although I did make venison jerky last year out of the tenderloin and it was very good and had a good texture - not too tough.
I use rump roast. I was just thinking about making some today.

I use this recipe.
1/2 c soy sauce
1/2 c worcestershire sauce
1 tsp lemon pepper

I put it in a gallon zip lock baggie and add meat. Just make sure all the meat gets marinade on it. For a large roast I might use 2 baggies each with 1 cup of marinade and 1 tsp lemon pepper. Every time I go by fridge and think of it I flip the baggies over to kind of stir it around. Usually I leave it over night.

Now I gotta go to the store for rump roast.
You'll get more flavor from the roast cuts, tenderloin and such have good texture but less flavor not to mention being expensive).

I get a cheap rump roast or brisket. Freeze it for 30-60 minutes depending on how thick it is. You don't want to totally freeze it, just get it to where you can slice it thin.

Slice thin and diagonally across the grain. Whack the heck out of the strips with the tendorizing mallet.

Marinate in a mix of sliced onion, garlic, lemon juice and worchestershire sauce, and add lots of cracked peppercorns if you want it peppered.

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