Beginning of wry neck?


5 Years
Jun 9, 2018
I have a 3 year old buff orpington who I suspect is beginning to develop wry neck. I noticed this morning when she was coming out of the coop she couldn't keep her balance and fell off the ladder. She then scurried away from the others and tried to hide by the feed bucket. I took her inside and gave her Nutridrench and electrolytes in her water. She had a good appetite and is able to hold her head up. I'm going to keep her inside for few days and keep an eye on her. I also didn't see her drinking water so I've been giving her water through a dropper to make sure she's hydrated. Is there anything else I should do? I should also mention that she's in the middle of molting.
It does sound like molting might be the problem. I would mix some watery chicken feed and offer that and other favorite foods with a bit of water added. Scrambled egg, canned cat food, all can have extra water added. You can give the NutriDrench orally, 1 ml for each 3 pounds of weight daily. That has electrolytes and vitamins.
This morning my chicken has an odor that's hard to describe. To me it smells like onions, but my daughter thinks it smells like chicken noodle soup. Right now I have the hen isolated in dog crate with moist feed. Her crop emptied last night so there's nothing impacted. Could this be something else than wry neck?
Hard to tell what the odor is from. It might be something she has eaten. I would try to get her back with her flock soon, now that her crop seems to be working, but keep trying to get her drink and eat. Make sure that she is not getting bullied in case she is wobbly. I make sure that I have multiple feeders and waterers inside and outside incase a low pecking order chicken is not being allowed to eat.

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