Belgian D'anvers Questions


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 22, 2014
I'm looking into acquiring some Belgian d'anvers in the spring but before I decide that I for sure want then I want to know every thing about them. The good, the bad and the ugly (if there is anything ugly about them) please don't sugar coat anything. I want to make sure that I am well suited to them before I get them. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's the D'Anvers on the breeds and reviews section here at BYC--

I have three little pullets and they're one of my favorite bantam breeds. They're sweet and pretty tame. My only complaint would be that they're pretty small, which makes it easier for them to squeeze through fences with larger spacing and also makes them very good at flying. As a result, they have found out that there's another side to their fence and they do enjoy to get out. They stay close, however and do figure out how to get back in after a while, so I let them have a little taste of supervised freedom. All in all, a good breed. Check out the reviews on them before purchasing them to get a little more details on the little guys. Best of luck to you!
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Thank you! I found your response very helpful! Do you mind posting some picture of your girls?
Here you go! They can be quite the stinkers. (In a good way of course!) Sorry about Edna the Blue-Slate turkey hen in the background of the first picture.


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