Belgian Watermaal Bantams - a cousin fo d'Anvers/d'Uccles!(pic heavy)

I didn't know ANYONE had Watermaal here. I've been curious about this breed since I first heard of it, but figured it was a "look at the pretty pictures from the UK" kind of bird. I raise d'Uccles, and had thought adding this breed to my place would be fun, and fitting. I've now subscribed to this thread and will continue to research how to help the breed out.

Have to go now, thanks for the posts :)
Seeing the laced project reminded me of a local lady who is making her own type of D'Anvers. She likes the color of the gold sebrights but likes the smaller comb, beard/muff, and 'normal' (not hen feathered) of the d'anvers. I picked up some of her cull roosters last year and she had some stunning silver laced and gold laced birds, some had multiple spikes. But she isn't doing it for show, just for her own personal pleasure of having a cute farm bird. Going with the lacing from sebrights should be easy since it tends to be bred easier than the lacing of wyandottes.
I find that to be very exciting about the lacing. I've always been an admirer of the Sebright's lacing. I am going to be watching the progression of this color in the d'Anvers closely. Would be awesome to get this variety in Watermaals too. But, first things first.

And Parker - good to have you on board the Watermaal thread. Welcome.
The start of my Watermaal project

Pyncheon rooster( with tassel and side-sprigs) x F1 buff columbian pullets- should get 75% millies

Pyncheon pullets with a BB red X quail cockerel(I just like him)

Pyncheon pullets with quail cockerel

This should get me started.


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