Best bird that likes to be hugged?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
I'm having a hard time if I should get a hen, utility pigeon, or parrot. Whichever I choose will live in inside my bedroom. A hen is ideal for hugging but they have stinky poop. A pigeon is ideal but they can fly. A Cockatoo is ideal but it can cost up to $2,000. Any suggestions?
I'm having a hard time if I should get a hen, utility pigeon, or parrot. Whichever I choose will live in inside my bedroom. A hen is ideal for hugging but they have stinky poop. A pigeon is ideal but they can fly. A Cockatoo is ideal but it can cost up to $2,000. Any suggestions?
Contact a parrot rescue.
Don't get a bird if your concerned about something that flies and want something you can hug. Hugging isn't something most birds will do! Cockatoos fly too so idk why the only issue you have with it is it's price. In addition to needing extensive caging and accessories, cockatoos (and all other parrots) need your free time to be spent with them. They're a huge commitment and I certainly wouldn't get one until you're financially stable and able to have it be a big part of your life and family. Pigeons make absolutely wonderful pets! I have had well into the hundreds of them. A tame pigeon will sit on you, cuddle with you, and beg to be scratched constantly just like a parrot. They need a large dog crate sized cage with flat perches and I'm assuming you'll do the rest of the research on your own because that's what responsible animal owners do. Pigeons are low cost and require very little in the way money, but just like any animal can cost a lot when it comes to vet expenses. They require far less attention than a parrot, but still need a good hour of attention a day and love to bathe! Look into some other species of birds and PLEASE do your research!
You would be happy with a goose that you have raised from a gosling. Just make sure you get some good goose diapers and that your bird is allowed to be outside daily to graze on grass. But hand raised geese *do* like to be hugged and petted and loved on. They bond to their "parent" for life.
You would be happy with a goose that you have raised from a gosling. Just make sure you get some good goose diapers and that your bird is allowed to be outside daily to graze on grass. But hand raised geese *do* like to be hugged and petted and loved on. They bond to their "parent" for life.


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