best brand of chicken feed?

true....  I would guess.  I dont have a "normal" enclosed coop though so I will defer of others have a different opinion.

What i have learned over the years is what works for some does not work for others.  Especially environmentally.  My place is in the high desert HOT in the summer and some snow in the winter... but very very dry...  so my coop areas are only sheltered over the roosts.

I have another question. Is there anything that chickens should absolutely not eat? Are there toxic weeds that will hurt them?
do a search here on BYC there are a cuple of threads on toxic plants. I personally wouldnt feed scraps from anything inthe night shade family.... tomato leaves or stems... same goes for potato leaves or stems.... But there are a few wild plants to avoid.... I am half awake right now so Go digging you will find lots here on BYC.

do a search here on BYC there are a cuple of threads on toxic plants. I personally wouldnt feed scraps from anything inthe night shade family.... tomato leaves or stems... same goes for potato leaves or stems.... But there are a few wild plants to avoid.... I am half awake right now so Go digging you will find lots here on BYC.

Tomatoes, and pepper leaves are eaten all over the world - just not commonly in the US. Potatoes are toxic though.
If your looking for a good All Grain mix to use as a scratch you can use a All Grain Pigeon Mix.
They come with or with out corn, has a good mix of grains, and also comes in a number of protein percentages ranging from 11% protein up to 21% protein.

Just remember that scratch is energy source and is not meant to be fed as a feed. 

One of the reasons that chicken go for the grain before the crumble is instinct, another is that chickens eat to fill a caloric need, scratch is a quick way for them to fill that caloric need.     
Wish I could find a good scratch with tiny corn. Mine leave the corn on the ground. I was thinking of along my own'
Wish I could find a good scratch with tiny corn. Mine leave the corn on the ground. I was thinking of along my own'

The Walmart 'Family Farm' scratch has the corn pretty well ground up but still chunky, far from a high quality scratch but it's also dirt cheap... *note only select Walmarts carry it...

If not keep an eye out for cheap wild bird seed, the stuff bellow was on sale last week for $8.99 a bargain price, even full price it's not all that bad for a 'premium scratch'...

Also depending on how much you use, it's not all the much hassle to put some in a food processor and grind it up yourself... I grind up 20lb bags of cat food for my pea chicks (added protein0 and it only takes about 20 minutes to do the entire bag...

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