Best Breeds to Sell???

I had no trouble selling my Welsummers or my Buff Orpington and New Hampshire together. Literally within 24 hours after posting on Craigslist. Missouri generally wants good hardy, PUREBRED foraging egglayers that make good stewing hens when they're done laying. The reason I say 'purebred' is because 4H is popular with the chickens here.

Not much demand for the crested or feather footed breeds here, or bantams for that matter I've noticed. However, Mille fleur d'uccle hens seem to be a hot item this year, I think after the Martha Stewart 'chicken' show, people fell in love. Most people who have Mille fleur d'uccles don't want to sell their hens, so grown mille fleur hens are hard to find. They are really good with kids in general, which makes them popular for 4H.
I agree with Katy, you should get a breed YOU enjoy. No point in raising birds you don't like.

Not to mention you won't be making a fortune out of chickens no matter what breed you choose. You should count yourself lucky if you break even, fortunate if you're able to make a small profit.
I agree. Check around and see what breeds others are selling in your area. In our area rhode island reds, buff orpingtons, sex links & barred rocks are the "Old time" breeds everyone is looking for. Silkies, marans, giants and some of the other breeds that seem to do so well for people in other areas are hard to sell here. We do have a new ethnic market that are buying large roosters of any breed right now, and they don't care what breed or if they are mutts, just so they are large. (They are buying them to eat). I sold some roosters the past few months for more than my hens usually bring. It's a matter of finding your market.

If you raise what you love and enjoy, you'll always be happy with them. It's not a chore if it's fun!
On second thought....

Get a breed you will enjoy eatting... because when it's not popular... that's what you will be doing. LOL!

That is the way of chickening... sometimes a breed is "hot" and sometimes it's not.
Best breeds to sell? That would have to be the Cornish X.

Although, I have yet to try the Freedome Rangers.
In my area I didn't have any trouble selling wyandottes, Easter Eggers, and Welsummers. I even sold the two roosters (oops) with a pullet each as breeding pairs and got nice money for them too!
If people in your area want good show chickens, buy from a GREAT breeder. If people in your area want layers, buy from anywhere. If you decide on egg layers, I would go with sex links. You could sell pullets for more. Then on the other hand, people would only want the pullets so you would be stuck with a bunch of sexlinked roosters. hmmm Go to your feedstore and ask the workers whats a common breed many people ask for.
I would look at the favorite breed in your area, for example: Around were I live Barred Plymouth Rocks are the overall favorite, next are Rhode Island Reds, then Game breeds.
Or if there is a 4-H poultry club in you area, many of the members may like ornamentals or odd mixes.
Visit the feed store (mom and pop... not a chain store) and ask if there is a chicken trade around. They will know and you can visit and see what people are "moving" and what breeds are sitting in the cages not getting noticed.

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