Best Breeds to Sell???

Thanks every one!!! joe17, I went there website but I cost $$$ to join.
I cant do that.
And I REALLY bad want silkies!
If you cant afford $15 (or $10 if you're a junior, which I think you are) to join and learn about Silkies, then I dont know how you think you'll be able to buy quality silkies. If you're serious about getting the best stock that you can, you need to learn what the best stock is.
Do not promote other websites that are "similar" to BackYardChickens, for example, other chicken/poultry forums.
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They all have breed websites....but I would just raise something you enjoy there is always a buyer for might have to hang on to them longer than you would like but there is always a buyer for EVERYTHING just be patient. there isn't a huge market for my Bantam Ameraucanas or My d'uccles or especially my ducks but I still raise them and LOVE them
I sell my White Silkies for $15 each at about 4-6 weeks old. My Lavender's sell for more than that. They have been selling for $50-60 each for a 4-6 week old chick. The older Lavender's sell for much more than that.

I also have Coronations and Split Coronations and they are awesome birds. I think the Market is already declining on that breed, but they are still a good breed to have.

I love Orps, they are very docile birds. They are one of my favorites.
So far I think I'm going to get, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black and Gold Stars, Buff Orpingtons, Leghorns, and Silkies!
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How many pens and coops do you have? Wear will you put the chicks and started birds? I would concentrate on one. You will be spending a lot of money especially on the silkies. Almost 100 bucks for a great pullet or decent pair. Good luck to what ever you do! And raise the breeds you like.

* Ohh and 10 bucks a year isnt bad considering all that you learn from their forum and articles and breeders.
Sorry, I wasn't saying to buy what the feed stores sell, but what breeds the customers are asking for (That they DON"T sell) and asking the employees of the feed store what kinds of chickens that the feed buyers are raising. That way you get an idea what breeds are poplular, what breeds people are wanting that the local breeders don't have and people are asking for.

Few of our local feed stores sell chicks anymore. TSC sells chicks, but this year they only had a few sex links and Pekin ducks. Then again we are in a small rural community, it's different I'm sure in larger towns.

Bottom line is to sell what you like.
Stay away from "Fad" breeds if you want to have the maximum success. In my experience, you can't go wrong with traditional egg layer breeds that everybody is familiar with such as Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, etc. Bantams don't sell very well. You have to basically give them away around here, especially since the economy has gotten the way that it is. Most folks see bantams as useless since they lay such small eggs and tend to go for the larger breeds instead.
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