Best chicken breed for bug/ant control?

AZ Heat

12 Years
Dec 27, 2008
I know that Guineas would be the best type of bird for bug, spider and ant control, but due to where I live and the noise problems that Guinea Fowl would cause, they aren't an option. So what type of chicken is the best for foraging ants, bugs and spiders? Egg production and size doesn't matter, as I have plenty other chickens for that. And I know that many breeds will find the bigger bugs, but most don't care about ants that I have seen. Are there any breeds that are really good at bug control compared to others?

Thanks in advance for your input!
A friend of mine has Hamburgs and she swears they do an awesome job of bug control.

I have guineas.

Muscovy ducks. My 7 week old babies were out snapping up the mosquitoes with gusto last night. They aren't mallard derived so they don't quack. If you get a couple drakes you won't have to worry about flying either, they're too heavy.

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