best for pests


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
My husband just finished building a palace for our 8 standard/bantam chickens that is all of the things it needs to be. Airy, easy to clean, safe etc. The only problem I see is that half of the run is getting packed down with damp, hard, soil. It is humid so it is starting to smell. I will definitley put some sand in. I was also wondering what else I can do to prevent pests. I heard of spraying the coop with stuff, treating their legs with oil, DE?...this is what I meant by effortless, there doesn't seem to be a steadfast method, but instead lots of opinions as to what works. The inside coop is raised, tiled, well vented, but I just laid a thin layer of shavings under the roost. I am thinking of adding hay as well. What else should I do to treat the inside of the coop? Thanks!

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