Best treats


May 20, 2022
My chicks are about 4 weeks old and I have mealworms as treats for them but I'm curious what other things are the best treats for them at this age I tired some apple cut up very small they did not seem interested then my son gave his corn on the cob to them and they did enjoy pecking at it. I Googled for more but I swear each article says something different so I thought I get some direct advice on here. Also I have to say I have taken them outside for the first time these last couple days since the weather is amazing And watching baby chicks try to catch/chase a fly is the funniest thing 😂
Mealworms are good treats. Fruit and veggies can give them diarrhea, so keep these at a minimum. They say to make sure that treats make up no more than 10% of their diet, so as to not dilute the nutrition needed for proper growth. Another downside to treats is that the chickens may begin to snub their regular feed, hoping for something more exciting....(been there done that 😉)
But definitely treats will enhance your relationship with your flock, and make it easier to get them to come/go when and where you want.
Mealworms are good treats. Fruit and veggies can give them diarrhea, so keep these at a minimum. They say to make sure that treats make up no more than 10% of their diet, so as to not dilute the nutrition needed for proper growth. Another downside to treats is that the chickens may begin to snub their regular feed, hoping for something more exciting....(been there done that 😉)
But definitely treats will enhance your relationship with your flock, and make it easier to get them to come/go when and where you want.
Okay will definitely keep that it mind. They have only had the fruits and veggies those two times which they wouldn't even eat the small amount of apples so my dog came out and ate it for them 😂 I give them like a mealworm a day, I actually hand feed it to them in hopes they start loving me more which so far seems to work they now will come up to me instead of running away. I was assuming a worm a day is okay or is that to often you think?
Wet mash is a favorite treat! It’s just the regular feed wet with water. My chicks LOVE IT, I give as a treat every night before bed. They come running! Best part is, you can’t give too much because it’s just regular feed!

I will definitely have to try that. Thank you for the idea. I want to spoil them but I know I can't overdue it so I'm trying to make sure of that I have a tendency to over spoil all my fur now feathered babies. It's my bad habit haha
For young chicks, a couple of mealworms or a tiny bit of this or that are fine as treats, just keep the amount in moderation - tying it to training like you've been doing is a good idea. Make sure they have access to appropriate sized grit.

Definitely I make sure there feeder has chick starter and the water is full at all times
All I know is my hens like the strangest things and won't touch other stuff that people say is their hens favorite. As they grew up I just randomly tried things to find out their favs. Mine like dried rolled oats but won't touch oatmeal with a 10 ft pole even when cold outside. The prefer stuff that is red- red grapes but not green. Love yogurt and shredded cheese, but mostly they think chicken feed is a treat because they free range.

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