Best way to bond?

What’s the best way to bond with chicks?
Mine are 4 days old, so I guess that I’m looking for ideas for now through the next few weeks?
Also, when can you introduce grit so they can try a treat?

They can have grit now if you want. Everyone seems to have differing opinions on it but I give them access to grit right away.

Best way to bond with them is just to spend time with them without trying to force them to interact with you. You can put your hand in the brooder (if possible, reach in from the side instead of from the top) and give them the option to come to your hand (that's where treats help) and talk softly to them. Or make a small corral where they won't wander off, and sit down with them and let them come check you out.

Does picking them up help? I assumed it would desensitize them eventually, but they act like they are being murdered every time.

Chickens in general don't love being picked up, and being grabbed from above makes them think they're being attacked, so that's why the chicks are running around upset. If you let them decide to jump up into your hand or on your leg, then they'll feel more comfortable with it.
I made it a point to hold every single chick. Every single day. At least 10-15 mins each. It took about 2.5hrs but in the end, when I moved them out to the run, they would walk up to me and via for my attention. Lol
I would even go out and sit in the coop when feeding scratch or treats and they would climb up on my legs or in my lap and nap.
Also. NEVER reach for them from above! Predators come from above. I made it a point to always move slow and reach towards them, where they could see my hand coming. Even if in the beginning I had to corner them to get a grasp. It paid off! My fuzzy butts loved me. I can’t wait to start a new flock in my new town.
Thanks for the tips- I will try being more patient and see if they ever take an interest.

On the plus side, I felt that I failed at “socializing” my girls last year and they as adults get excited when I approach the run because they have figured out that I bring treats! They will take treats like strawberry caps from my hand though I haven’t tried to pick them up as adults; I don’t think they would like that.
I'm on my third set of chicks. First set, I spent lots of time with them.once the heat lamp was gone I removed the food as late as possible. Thought being, they won't have food in coop because they sleep at night. Go in in the morning and hand feed them.they are hungry and they will eat out of your hand. Worked like a charm. Second set was slightly older and they were more skiddish no matter what.this set is a pretty friendly group. I open up the door and I lay down face level and let them explore--one of them has a thing for my hair and jumps up to get it. I put my hand in their and hold it still and they jump on my hand. I talk to all of them all the time. Heads really start tilting when I start singing...poor birds-lol
I’m new to being a chicken mom. I have 4 Silkie chicks that I got when they were a week old and are now 3 weeks old, and 6 that I got when they were a few days old and are now 2 weeks old. The 4 older ones I held every day on my lap but are still skittish with me and run the other way when I try to pet them. The younger ones are much calmer and two out of the six come to me to have me pet them. I’m very confused as to why the older ones are skittish when I have handled them more and the youngins are not. Any opinions or help as to why this is?

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