Best Way to Feed Chickens Zucchini / Squash ?

Heck, the best way to feed chickens zucchini and squash is to throw it in the coop. Let them have the fun of doing all the work. It keeps them busy and entertained.


I agree. Why are you doing all that work? I take my giant zucchini and throw it over the pasture fence. The end. Chickens can get at it, don't worry.

With watermelons and pumpkins and things with a tough rind like eggplant, I stomp on the fruit and crack it first. No more work needed.
My girls must be lazy. They give a couple half-hearted pecks and then ignore a whole squash. splitting keeps them interested.
The garden oversupply has really cut down on crumble feed consumption for the ranging layers. there has been a little dip in production, but that could also be a result of the heat, I suppose.

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