Birthday Tomorrow Vent

Get yourself some sugar free or low carb recipes and make yourself a special treat! Or you can just scrape off the icing. Back when I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the insulin treaments were very limited so every time there was a party or something I would take a small piece of cake or a cupcake and scrape off the icing. Trust me, a little piece on your birthday won't hurt! You could also eat a small piece of cake and then go for an evening walk. That'll burn off the sugar pretty quick, or at least make your blood sugar manageable.

I know it's bad for me to say this, but one night of a high blood sugar won't kill you! Enjoy your cake if it will help you feel better!
My uncle died in a diabetic coma, so I will ask you to reassess your answer.

It depends really how under control blood sugars are. The circumstances may be different in different cases, but typically a diabetic coma comes about after prolonged high blood sugars which would be detected in an A1C. It's the presence of ketones in the urine that is the worrisome factor, but again that typically occurs after the body is repeatedly exposed to high blood sugars. The glucose in the blood spills over into the kidneys because it is one way the body can release those sugars without breaking them down. A lot of newly diagnosed diabetics are diagnosed because of diabetic ketoacidosis.

In other words, in most diabetics a small piece of cake with little icing may raise the blood sugar for 2-4 hours but exercise such as walking or the insulin in the body (Which in the OP's case she *does* have) should lower the blood sugar. A blood sugar of 250 over several days or weeks could induce a diabetic coma, but typically a blood sugar of that for a few hours will do nothing. However, I suppose one could ingest a large amount of sugar and induce a diabetic coma rather quickly, but that person would have to a pretty poor diet otherwise and there would have to be almost no insulin present in the body. However, I have known people with blood sugars of 600 who did not go into a coma.

That's a much longer explanation than needed, but typically a small piece of cake in one day should not raise the blood sugar significantly enough to do any damage. However, if you eat the entire cake, you might have some problems!
How beautiful tomorrow will be.
Can you hear our voice raised in Happy Birthday wishes to you tonight?

35? What an outstanding age to be! 'Member all those goofy mistakes
we all made when we were young? Now at last, we're finally old enough
to know better. And the best part? We aren't old enough for social security.

So 35 must be the most perfect age in all the world to be.

We don't need cake to celebrate your birthday. Shucks, it wasn't going to be
big enough for all of us anyway. So if it's all right with you, we'll just pretend
we've already ate all the cake.

But that there daughter of yours...being a Sweet 16... Bet you can't fool her with
one of my imaginary invisible birthday cakes. She'll probably want a real one.

Don't let this Type 2 Diabetes thing get you down.

Me and you.. Let us always be too young to ever get old.

Thanks everyone for understanding. And Spook you are so nice I am crying and smiling at the same time. You really cheered me up.

Hugs! My dh was dxed a year ago. You can have that cake you just need to tweak your diet.A lot of people get D2 under control by losing weight,changing what they eat,and exercising.Look into it.I read every book and web page that I could find.I made food choices that were healthier even though in some cases more expensive.My family is worth it. BUT we do have a treat or 2 at times I just make it better choices. I actually stopped eating meat a month ago to see what effect it will have on me.I have lost weight too.

You will get through this and be better for it as long as you make changes. So many chronic conditions are the bodies way of saying,"Make a change because what is going on it not good for me!" If you revert back to old ways just brush it off and start over again.Hugs for you.And happy birthday wishes for you and your dd!

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