Bisquick, Buttermilk, Snap, and Junior's chat thread. NOW ACCEPTING JOINING!!!

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Marianne:I. Have. Not. Been. Out. Of. This. Coop. For. Three. Days.
Elanor: C'mon, there's still the hundreds of Sunrise and Susan and Sal's diary entries we haven't checked yet. Let's take a good look.
Susan's Diary
January 12, 2011, 3:45 PM
The snow's stopped falling long enough for us to venture out. Not even years of foraging skills classes could have taught a chicken how to forage properly in this new snow, fresh and powdery, deeper than a rooster is tall, fallen within three days. The world is a blanket of silver, with dark trees poking out from beneath their heavy cloaks, dull but lovely, dark but pristine. School is closed for the time being, so we are just in the coop most of the time, keeping warm and evading frostbite. Aurora knits, Autumn draws, Sunrise reads and I write. I have written more in these past few weeks than I have for these past few months, one of Aurora's blankets draped around me to keep me warm. This spring, we have been told, we are getting two new hens, from barn B back at the old farm. The old farm was warmer, with less snow, but much more windswept. I prefer things here. Hopefully Sunrise and the new chickens get along; Sunny was never a huge fan of barn B chickens. I didn't see much of them. All I know is that there is one black australorp one out of hundreds of red ones, and then there is a group of hens who had to travel to barn C for a while to help out with the C barn hens moving away. I know some of their names. Ermine, Olive, Tarea, Lilly, Selena, Rellie, Kitty, Trista, and Lola.And it is unlikely we get any of those particular ones.
Sunrise is wanting me to help her make some french-style layer-butter now. There are few comforts like cooking when you are stuck in a cold coop to protect yourself from an even colder forest. I wish we could do it all the time, but there is the problem is that we need to eat all we cook while it is still warm, otherwise it congeals as it cools. Sunrise is becoming impatient, I will write again when we are finished.
Susan Laura Henley.
Me: To those of you who don't know, Sunrise, Susan and Selena were my first batch of chickens. Their diaries were found hidden in the coop by Sunrise. The previous entry takes place before Selena is added to the flock, so it is Sunrise, Susan, and the chickens belonging to a family member. All the chickens were given to us by a free-range organic egg farm
Susan's Diary
January 15, 2011
Some of the cold let up last night, and so Sunrise and I made a trip to the mailbox this morning, in a light snow with little wind. Our coop has written over a dozen letters during the cold, and we mailed them all off.
I know the entire Feathern Valley has been struck by this cold, from the hills on the far side, where the egg farm is, to the North Mountain, to the east roads, over to our little corner. Because of or in spite of this, we have gotten few letters from our various correspondents--Pecky, down by easthollow, has been the only person to write to us during the cold, in a short letter saying that she cannot mail any letters she writes after a snowfall until the fresh snow comapcts, and to not worry if we don't get anything from her. The rest--Sunrise's friend Clucky, and Bertha, and Littie, and Polly and Amy and Mellie--they all been worryingly silent during this heavy snow and cold snap. Anyhow, they will all be hearing from us shortly, as soon as they get to their mailboxes.
The snow stopped falling, and it is once again fit to spend the day outdoors. Although unpleasant, it is better than the cramped coop.

Elanor: Appropriate entry for today. Its getting warmer!
Marianne: Look at these diaries. The first one for each of the three hens is a little notebook from the hatchery.Then its a school composition book for the second one, for all three hens. That's when it changes. Susan got ahold of a nice-looking journal for her third diary, while the other two still have comp books. Then Sunrise has a little leatherbound one. Kinda cool
Sophia: Each notebook says something about them.
Colonel: What do they say about the egg farm roosters?
Marianne: Guess who got to free-range yesterday!
Elanor: We all did. It was totally awesome, even though there was snow, there's still room to walk around without getting your feet too cold.
Colonel: Sophia and I didn't want to go inside, even when it got dark.
Sophia: Well, who wants to go back indoors after you've been in so long?
Susan: It SNOWED yesterday
Sunrise: I KNOW! it is getting cold super early!
Selena: BRRR! I'm getting back into the coop!
Sunrise: So, Sal, how were your classes?
Selena: I need help with foraging skills.
Susan: What are you studying?
Selena: edible parts of long grasses. I have a test on that coming up on that.
Sunrise: Hey, if Chickens4ever's hens join Pine Cone coopschooling group, you would have enough for two classes, one for Mocha, Brownie, and Junior, and one for the older hens!

Cheep: We got out this afternoon!
Peep: Yea! It was fun! I went in the pot again :p
Brownie: Yea, AGAIN.
Peep: Heeeeyyy, its fun!
Mocha: *rolls eyes*
Cheep: I laid a really pretty egg today :) *squeal*
Brownie: Yea it was pretty Cheep :) I hope one day when I lay my first egg it will be as pretty as your eggs *squeal*
Cheep: AWWWWW BABE! I lova ya! I am so totally sorry about pecking you today!
Brownie: Aw its ok :)
Cheep and Brownie: HUG???? *go in for hug*
Peep and Mocha: Oh brother.

Buttermilk: Hey cousins!!! :D
Bisquick: So, Cheep, Peep, Mocha, and Brownie, is your Mom gonna put you guys in P.C.C.G.???
Snap: Hopefully!!!!
Junior: I'm overwhelmed!!!!
Snap: Why??
Junior: Foraging skills. I have the same test coming up as Selena.
Snap: I'll help you study.
Buttermilk: Make sure to ask your Mom guys!!
Bisquick: Yea, Peep, I could teach you all the pranks that I play on my teachers. *evil smile*
Buttermilk: Oh Bisquick, please don't turn Peep and Mocha evil.


Bisquick: YAAAY!!! :D Mocha, you can be a Jr. Pranker. :) Well, you've probably had lots of training under Peep's wing. ;)
Buttermilk: NEW SHEETS!!! :D (me note: shavings are sheets to the,)
Snap: This one time Bisquick and I put layer butter in the teacher's sharpner and when she sharpened a pencil it flew out and-
Junior: I ate some!!! :D
Snap: Oh Junior. :3
Bisquick: So, who else has How to Make A Dustbath as one of their classes?


Snap: Hehe, thanks. :3
Buttermilk: Blech, does anyone have some respect around here?Cheep?? Are ya there Babe!!??? D:
Bisquick: Oh bother Buttermilk. *rolls eyes*
Junior: :) Mommy put a quilt over us for the night. Now it's warm without the cold air blowing in.

Sunrise: it is SNOWING here. REALLY hard, too.
Susan: The first snow usually comes around halloween, and sticks on the ground by Thanksgiving, but last year, it came so late that we didn't have a white Thanksgiving, and Christams was barely white.
Selena: but they're saying that we will get a hard winter this year. We got one back in 2010 as well.

Bisquick: Oh no!!!
Buttermilk: I hate snow. It makes my feet cold and everything on me. :O
Junior: We had a pitiful winter here.
Snap: Yea, except we had a HUGE snowstorm a couple days before Halloween, and a small snowfall after that. That was the only snow that was actually serious.
(me note: thank goodness they're going in the springhouse this year. 3) )
Bisquick: What's that Mom??
Me: Nothing!!! :O

Ella: Malibu's looking for a coopschooling group for us. Mir just started school and-
Mir: 1 EGG + 1 EGG = 4 EGGS!
Ella: Not quite Mir. Try again.
Mir: 3 eggs?
Ella: Nope.
Mir: 2 eggs?
Ella: Yep! Good job, Mir!
Mir: I is so smart :3
Ella: Correct grammar?
Mir: I *AM so smart. :3
Ella: Good job, Mir! :3

Junior: Well, I can't help cause you guys aren't in our area. :( I wish you were though cause then we could maybe go to the same coopschool group.
Snap: True, true Junior.
Bisquick: Good luck!! :D
Buttermilk: Have you guys ever gone to school??


BRIGHT:now whoevers reading this find the three mistakes

1.three is spelled wrong
2.mistake should be plural
3.there are only two mistakes and that is the third mistake

STREAK: if you got all of them right,
on next post.two right,
on next post
LILY: if you got one right, post
on next post
ONLY if you didn't peek

I forgot to put a period and the spoiler at the very top is by mistake, too

:D I got 'em all right!!!
Same here!! :D
I got 'em right. :3
I thought that tree was correct and you had to find the 'tree' mistakes. Meaning I thought that you had to find tree mistakes. :p

Can I join? My hens are Jujube and Pam, and I have a bitey rooster named Henry.


BRIGHT:now whoevers reading this find the three mistakes

1.three is spelled wrong
2.mistake should be plural
3.there are only two mistakes and that is the third mistake
STREAK: if you got all of them right,
on next post.two right,
on next post
LILY: if you got one right, post
on next post
ONLY if you didn't peek



Sunrise: so we go to bed around seven last night, and there was about an inch of snow on the ground
Susan: now usually, we get up before Mommy lets us out in the morning. But the power had gone out last night shortly after bedtime, so our light timer didn't turn on and Mommy had to wake us up.
Selena: And there was FIVE INCHES OF SNOW ON THE GROUND! I made the same mistake as Junior, by the way, and because of that, I didn't know that mistakes was supposed to be pluarl. Also, Junior, can we study together for that Foraging Skills test?

Penny: There are more roosters!

Henny: Oh, Penny...
Penny: Well, at least I'm not persistently broody!
Henny: *Hmph*
Marianne: Welcome Hedwig!!!
Elanor: I love it when we get to go outside!
Selena: Guess what?! The new chicken is named Sophia, and she's coming on Friday! Welcome Hedwig!
at the free range egg farm, eight days earlier...
Sophia: A letter from the farm residents department??
Marie: They're transferring a bunch of hens to smaller farms. Maybe you're one of them.
Sophia: don't get my hopes up, Marie. There's no chance that they want to move me. [sigh]
Marie: Well, don't keep me in suspense! Open the letter!!
[Sophia opens letter and gasps]
Sophia: I am getting transferred! Yes!!! No more big egg farm!!!
Marie: With who else??
Sophia: It doesn't have any details, I'm just supposed to send in a form within the next few days with my phone number and preferred destionation...
Marie: Preferred destionation?? Sounds like a vacation!
Sophia: They have a huge list here with places and descriptions, everything from quaint little farms to backyards chiicken coops.
Marie: Wow! Where do you think you'll choose?
Sophia: A mixed flock with at least one more sex-link, multiple ages, probably a resonably small flock...under a dozen...ah! THis one looks perfect!!

Selena: I wish we had a rooster...
Willoghby: HEY!!
Sal: I said ROOSTER, not COCKREL...
Willoghby: I'll be a roo someday...
Sophia's travel log
MY bags are packed, and I'm ready to leave. They're supposed to be coming Tomorrow afternoon to pick me up. I have no idea who will live there--whether they're nice...what school they go to.... oh, I'm so nervous!


Sophia's Travel Log
I was put into a box, and traveled for a long time. I have no idea how long it was, but it was dreadfully hot in the box. Upon arrival, I was given food and water and taken to meet the other big chickens. There is one I liked almost right away. I don't know her name, though. I am smaller and sleeker than the other hens. I'm not sure where I shall roost for the night: By myself, or with the others?

Selena: Craziest day in my life! This beats even my first day at the big hatchery, my first day at the egg farm, my first day in this coop.
Sophia: Um, Sal...where is this place?
Selena: Called a chicken chat thread. You'll figure it out pretty easy.
Elanor: So today, Uncle made a new brooder--WITHIN THE BIG GIRL'S COOP!!
Marianne: that way, we can get used to each other, and see each other through the wire.
Margaret: that's what made the day so crazy, partly.
Whilloghby: the other part was the fact that the pecking order is in limbo because of Sophie's arrival.
Sophia's Travel log
Last night, after a quick meal, I decided to go to bed. I hopped up- on the roost with the other gals, but it became apparent that they were unfriendly, and so I decided to sleep in the nestbox. The bedding was different than what I was used to, the other girls were being noisy, and the light in the coop was on--but I made the best of it and tucked my head under my wing. In the morning, the others free-ranged while I stayed in the coop and oriented myself. as I was doing this, there was tons of human activity--literally TONS. There was cleaning and drilling and hammering...So noisy! the next thing I knew, four six-week-old chicks that I had no idea existed were in a small enclosure in the coop. So, crazy day. But not nessacarly a bad one. Not a bad one at all.


Sophia: Hello? Anyone here??
Selena: there doesn't have to be anyone else here for us to chat.
Elanor: Life in the brooder's boring right now.
Marianne: at least we get to go outside sometimes! That's plenty exciting.]

Sophia's Travel log.

I like to spend most of my time on the poop board of the roost, since the other chickens don't bother me there, and Mommy puts out an extra feeder. The days have all been the same, and none so crazy as that first night and day. My life is nice here, and once the pecking order settles, I shall be perfectly happy. I like the chicks--the one called Elanor is such a smarty, Marianne such a sweetie. They are nicer than the older chickens right now. The only one nice to me is the one called either Sal or Selena--I've heard her called both. Admittedly, All the names I know are the three preiviously mentioned--I've never asked the meaner ones their names, nor cared to know.

Sophia's travel log:
The days are getting warmer again, and I am beginning to venture outside a bit. Selena and Elanor and Marianne are very kind, the other chicks and one of the hens remains neutral, and the other two hens not. The days are developing into a routine, and life here is beginning to go from not bad to seriously enjoyable, besides the pecking order. Once the Order straigtens out--with me at the bottom, I fear--ther'll be no point in keeping a log, but I shall do so anyway, as I enjoy keeping a diary.

Quote: Yup.
But they are rolling off and breaking, so me and my brother are going to fix that. :p
Oh my word!!! Like, on top of the roof of the coop??? That's crazy!

Bisquick: It's raining.
Snap: Leave it to spring to be nice and sunny one day, then the next dumping rain.
Buttermilk: And it's also thundering!!!!
[In the brooder]
Hedwig: PIPPY AND HAZEL! Will you STOP spilling the water and soaking the towels??!!
Pippy: We're practicing our wing skills.
Hazel: Besides, we always put it back up.
Omelette: Wet brooders are AWFUL. SO STOP IT!
Me: Got any ideas on how to keep my waterer up? Pippy and Hazy keep knocking it down and soaking the towels. :p
ME: Weigh it down, strap it to the wall, attach it to a board, use your imagination.
Marianne: our only water issue is getting woodchips in it.
Whiloghby: it's mostly Margaret.
Margaret: IS NOT!!!!
Selena: Calm, calm.
Sophia: Or maybe Pippy and HAzel can stop practicing flight skills in the brooder.

Sophia's travel log.

I ventured outdoors today, out with the flock. The grass is dry and sparse right now, the insects inexistent, but it was still quite pleasant. I like it here, although it has been settled: I am at the bottom of the pecking order.

Sophia's Travel log.
I am just starting to realize now that my life is not a square, penned in coop and run. The piney scented woods go on what seems like forever in every direction, there are no fences, no barriers separating us from the tall grasses and stands of birches waving beside the dainty stream. There is no ever-permeating odor here like there was at the farm, it smells of fresh mud and pine trees. Springtime here is truly lovely--not merely pretty, but lovely, trilliums and wild roses blooming everywhere you look. When I first came here, it was drabber than the farm, but now, the land is exploding with springtime.
On a completely different and much less philosophical note, Sunday I meet the neighbor chickens for the first time--exciting--but also a little scary.
Sophia's travel logs compilation.
Buttermilk: I tell you what it is BITTER cold outside. ESPECIALLY since I'm molting.
Hazel: Yeah and I don't have very fluffy feathers to begin with!
Pippy: *stares at cTouch screen in a fluffy ball in the corner*
Omelette: Well I am very loosely feathered, and it is not a whole lot warmer.
Hazel: Yes, but it has been scientifically proven that fluffier hens have-
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Hazel quite. No one cares.
Hazel: *makes face at Pippy*
Hedwig: *whispers to Snap* What's her deal?
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Nothing is my 'deal' Hettie.
Hedwig: ????
Bisquick: Did something happen at co-op, Pip?
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Nope.
Snap: Well then what's wrong?
Pippy: *looks at hens* I told you, NOTHING! *stomps up to loft*
Hazel: Ok this is weird.....
Buttermilk: I tell you what it is BITTER cold outside. ESPECIALLY since I'm molting.
Hazel: Yeah and I don't have very fluffy feathers to begin with!
Pippy: *stares at cTouch screen in a fluffy ball in the corner*
Omelette: Well I am very loosely feathered, and it is not a whole lot warmer.
Hazel: Yes, but it has been scientifically proven that fluffier hens have-
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Hazel quite. No one cares.
Hazel: *makes face at Pippy*
Hedwig: *whispers to Snap* What's her deal?
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Nothing is my 'deal' Hettie.
Hedwig: ????
Bisquick: Did something happen at co-op, Pip?
Pippy: *still staring at screen* Nope.
Snap: Well then what's wrong?
Pippy: *looks at hens* I told you, NOTHING! *stomps up to loft*
Hazel: Ok this is weird.....
Sunshine: OMC! is that a C-Touch?!?!?!
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