Black Bear

He's killed 3 more yesterday. Not mine. These chickens are in a fenced-in area, no electric, older birds, and a place easily breached. They're just being served up buffet style IMO.

Here's the culprit.

He's right next to that RV. Estimates are that he's nearly 4' at the shoulders.

Better call the wildlife, he is about to make a name for himself I believe. Here in N.C. he would have the entire state chasing him, cops, state troopers, wildlife officals, John Q Public, all the news crews! He wouldn't have time to steal any chickens! LOL
That bear looks thin to me and seeing as it's out and about during bright daylight makes me think there may be something wrong with him. Could be sick or hurt or there could be a lack of natural food in the area....chickens are an easy, high calorie meal.
First of all, bears do not only hunt at night. They are out and about during the day, in fact, mostly during the day. This winter has been a very mild one in a lot of places so food is more scarse since more are demanding it. They are highly adaptable, and will hunt small animal prey, this includes an easy few chickens. Best bet would be to get an electric fence and possibly trap and relocate if you could get the DNR or who ever to do it.
I never said that bears only hunt at night. During the heat of summer they feed mostly at night but when it's cooler they can be out any time. I was just thinking that because he looks thin 'to me' AND he was out during the day, taking risks around peoples homes, there may be something wrong with him.
I agree an electric fence might help but I live in the area where the DNR relocates some of the problem bears from downstate....all relocation does is move the problem on to someone else.
I don't have the fence up yet. Charger is being shipped as we speak. Yes he does look thin. We had cicada locusts this year, they destroyed the berries/acorns etc. The wildlife is hungry. I don't believe that he's sick, just having a difficult time finding food. Because this is natural behavior the game warden is waiting it out. So far he's stayed away - the radio is still on it's 15 minute cycle - frankly it makes ME jump when it pops on! haha

531 FarmGirl- I'm in Central Virginia.

He seems to be staying on the other side of the creek for now. Not sure why he made his way over here just one day - but I can be sure he'll be back. I was able to let the girls out for a bit today. These other girls have made themselves at home in my yard this afternoon. I'm guessing if they're relaxed, then there's no danger for the moment. If you look in the upper lefthand corner, my girls are in the shade back there - everyone enjoying the beautiful day!

Yes you are right they hunt at dawn when the sun comes up and then again when the sun goes down and they ar just looking for berries and acorns in the day time or sleeping

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