Black Copper Maran Pullet or Roo

Decided to keep the weekly picture updates going. Here is my Black Copper Maran 7 weeks today. No crow attempts, no agressive behavior. The comb and wattles have gotten much more red this week. As always gender guesses and thoughts are welcome and appreciated.

Well that comb is pretty red, but it's MUCH smaller than my little BCM roo's. And honestly, her posture is rather pullety. My two six week boys strut around with their chests out, and they have both been adorably crowing since five weeks.

Think there's a chance you have a pullet. Fingers crossed!
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Looks like a pullet but that comb is showing a bit. Also, the neck feathers are very defined. Here's mine at 7 weeks.
I'm excited to see how big his comb will be when he's older. It's so full now. Here's mine at 7 weeks.
He is SO cute! I love his copper.

Here's little Patrick today, at 7 weeks and a day. No copper yet, but 100% rooster, for sure, and crowing like one too.

Plus, I just hatched a new little BCM! I know it's FAR to early to tell, but I named all three of my my new babies flower names for good pullet luck, even though that didn't work for dear Daisy. Here is little Petunia:

Here she is with her sisters, Violet and Lily:

Hoping for at least ONE little hen this time!
Okay, I think you have 3 boys. Petunia looks like my Daisy at day 1. Violet has a comb. Lily has an attitude. I wish you luck. Having a male is hard.

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