Black Knot on Foot


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Washington County, NY
My rooster has a black knot, like a raised black carbuncle, on the bottom of his foot. I assumed this was bumblefoot and treated it with Tricide-Neo a few weeks ago. It got smaller but is still there.

It isn't swollen and doesn't look infected (no evident pus, etc). It's hard and if I scratch at it, it flakes off.

He favors that foot slightly but doesn't seem to be in pain.

Should I treat it again? Will it go away on its own? Should I worry?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I've used tricide neo to treat bumblefoot. Continue using it til the bumblefoot/scab completely disappears. That's the only drawback using trineo, larger bumblefoot infections/scabs take a longer time to heal, smaller ones only in about 5 to 10 days. This is why I stopped using it and do the minor surgery; it's quicker, cheaper, and faster healing time.
OK. During the period while I'm treating it, do I need to wrap up the foot? The bump seems hard and there's no visible open wound.

If there's isnt any swelling which you mentioned, no redness, no open wound...I see no reason to wrap the foot. However if he limps, there still might be infection and would continue the trineo treatment. Wrapping it then would be up to you.

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