black oil sunflower seeds with shells on?

Hmmm. I give them the kernels with no shells. The ones from the grocery store meant for people to eat. $1.49 a pound. What a sucker. I suspect they'll turn their noses up at the seeds with the shells on.
They seem to like boss in a variety of ways to me. But mine really seem to like them best soaked in water overnight & rinsed. I bought several 15lb bags of boss at lowes.
My girls won't eat the BOSS right out of the bag, dry. I have been giving them some daily for a week and they won't touch them at all. so I think I am going o try soaking them overnight and giving them to the girls moist and see what happens.
Hmmm. I give them the kernels with no shells. The ones from the grocery store meant for people to eat. $1.49 a pound. What a sucker. I suspect they'll turn their noses up at the seeds with the shells on.
Boy was I wrong. The hens went nuts for these things. I'm not sure how they even recognized them as food so quickly. I bought a 20# plastic, see-thru bag and I had to hide it in a barrel since the girls wouldn't stop pecking at the bag as they could see the seeds inside.
So I am new to chickens and so we grew a bunch of sunflowers in the garden and harvested all the seeds for the chickens but the sunflowers are the striped ones not the black ones, from what I gather they are ok to give them they just aren't as nutritious right? Also my chickens are all 12 weeks old, should I soak them or put them in the food processor before giving them to them since they aren't fully grown yet?
My chickens love them BOSS, eat the spillage from the wild bird feeders every morning when they get out of the coop. and I think its a great question!
Chickens love there BOSS. They love it's like sugar to there feed they never leave any BOSS . We have an assortment of chicken. , we get all different coloured eggs. They my pets I love them.
I did that too but my girls weren't too interested in the store bought raw shelled SS seeds. I was worried about giving them the shells in BOSS. I guess I'll try it though.

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