Black Sex-Link Picture Thread!

So, I am trying to narrow down what breed(s) my pullet is. I was told by the so-called "breeder" that she is a Black Copper Marans... BYC members are saying she looks BSL with some BCM in her because of her feathered legs and feet.
What do y'all in the BSL thread think?? I'm no expert and just down right curious. Thank you in advance!



here is a short video of my F1 black sex link chicks at 10 days old ...
Did you ever figure out Jet's breed with any confidence? We've been doing the same for our beauty, Benatar, and thought I'd post her pics here for others. We are pretty convinced she's a BSL, especially since she's from a hatchery.

She lays medium sized, brown eggs (6-7 week), is social and amenable but asserts herself to at least mid-pecking order, accepted our current Roo and did the same for his predecessor, has a small single comb and dark legs.

3 months old

4 months old

6 months

We crossed her with both the Barred Rock Roo and the mystery Roo (Red, brown, and cream - lounging on the end) and have very interesting outcomes! At 4 months, the BR pullets range from all barred to all black. The mystery Roo produced 2 cockerels with Benatar that are 3 months old, are our largest birds and have gorgeous long, flaired tails with partridge coloring! Go figure.

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