Black sex link thread!!! Pics and info!

They are black sexlinks, they are just a bit more gold than is typically seen in hatchery birds. A black sexlink created when a barred hen is crossed with a non-barred, non-white rooster. Hatchery black sexlinks are typically a Rhode Island Red rooster crossed with a Barred Rock hen. Using a different breed of rooster will affect what the pullets end up looking like.
did you guys see the pics I posted? If they aren't BSLs then what are they? I have seen pictures of them and they look like this. On the second page of this thread, there are some great pictures of black sexlink pullets that had a Buff Orpington father.

My black sexlink Easter Eggers. They are almost 4 weeks old, almost completely feathered in, and have been outside for about 4 days now. At the rate they are growing, they will be ready to join the main flock in just a few more weeks.
They are black sexlinks, they are just a bit more gold than is typically seen in hatchery birds. A black sexlink created when a barred hen is crossed with a non-barred, non-white rooster. Hatchery black sexlinks are typically a Rhode Island Red rooster crossed with a Barred Rock hen. Using a different breed of rooster will affect what the pullets end up looking like. 
did you guys see the pics I posted? If they aren't BSLs then what are they? I have seen pictures of them and they look like this. On the second page of this thread, there are some great pictures of black sexlink pullets that had a Buff Orpington father.

This youngster hops up on my shoulder whenever I go into the pen and sits quietly while I go about feeding and watering. She stays so quiet and balanced on the shoulder that I have actually walked out of the pen with her still perched and not even realized she was still there. 22 weeks of age.

She also likes to take the high ground when I squat down to handfeed the crowd.
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Very pretty!

Thanks. I had saved the photo from my cell phone camera to my flash drive months ago, but for some reason I never could get it to load on a BYC post. I had tried a number of different ways to do it; dragging it from the flash drive to the post, copy and pasting it to the post, etc., but it simply wouldn't transfer. I was finally able to get it to post by copying it onto a Word document, then forwarding it to myself in an email as an attachment, and then transferring it to my post. I have no idea why this one photo caused so many problems.

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